Snow and every thing about it.

BAH! You American's don't know what snow and cold really is (Unless you live in Buffalo, where you get dumped with snow). Come spend a week up in Canada in February, then you'll learn something. **Vancouver doesn't count**
ghostface86 said:
BAH! You American's don't know what snow and cold really is (Unless you live in Buffalo, where you get dumped with snow). Come spend a week up in Canada in February, then you'll learn something. **Vancouver doesn't count**

Lol, ok, but I think I get almost as much as you get, maybe a bit less.
DeepBlue Squirtle said:
I've never experienced snow. Well, no snow in Malaysia. Boohoo. T.T

I've never traveled anywhere when there's snow too. So, yeah...

^What he said. There's no snow here in Malaysia. It's sort of like, summer all year (with a lot of rain, especially from November-January).

Here are some examples of the temperature in Kuala Lumpur, which is the part of Malaysia where I live in:

Minimum average daily temperature: 22.1°C
Maximum average daily temperature: 31.9°C
Lowest ever recorded temperature: 19°C
Highest ever recorded temperature: 35°C

Now you know why snow here is completely impossible.
There hasn't been a real snow here in New Jersey since 2006 every time we have a chance of snow anymore it turns into rain. Although I remember one year when I was about 6 or 7 and we got about 7 inches of snow.
NoSkill said:
Minimum average daily temperature: 22.1°C
Maximum average daily temperature: 31.9°C
Lowest ever recorded temperature: 19°C
Highest ever recorded temperature: 35°C

Adding a factor to it is M'sia is almost on the equator...

BTW, where do you live, PM me kay...
Lately, it has been raining instead of snowing, and all of the snow is going to melt. Hopefully, we'll get a huge snowfall tonight so we have sledding snow tomorrow. And if it rains and snows, the snow will be icy, and even faster. I did not expect it to rain especially after such a large amount of snow coming in over the past week. I thought it would either snow more or nothing at all. :)
Eventhough I live in M'sia, I had experienced snow once.

When I was still a baby (1 yr old), my parents had to extend their studies at London for four years, so I had 4 years of snow...
It's raining here and has been since last night. We have a flood watch in winter...I'm hoping it snows before tomorrow morning but I doubt it's going to happen.
Here in Ontario, we've had ONE Snow day in the past 6 years! What boggles the mind is that our snow reaches what would be school closure levels in some areas...
^ I know how you feel. We got some ridiculous snow closing calls in Ohio, like when there was like 6 inches outside. School for my school, but none for everyone else. Next day, we get an inch, and we get called off. I'm not complaining about that, but I wouldn't call off for an inch. I would have called off for 6 inches in a heartbeat!
You guys are lucky. I'm in the one state where it never snows :/
^^^ What state is that?

We've already got 5 inches on the ground. Have had 1 snow day already this year. :D
Well... I'm not even American. I'm Scandinavian :3

It's white here. Right now it's about to melt away (again) so perhaps Christmas wont be white this year either :[

But yesterday, oh you should have seen it. The day before yesterday, my parents didn't allow me to drive to a friend, because of all the snow on the roads. Crazy. But great for making snowmen :3
That's cool. It hasn't been snowing real heavily where I am. A little here and there, but its' rather disappointing. A large blizzard would be more like it. On second thought, a little less than my previous thought, but still more than we have. The layer we already have has been on the ground for quite a few days, but we need another sheet of snow to make it more fresh and soft. The snow we have now is hard and basically like blocks of ice. It's almost as if you can walk on it. :)
You live in Colorado? I might move there! We usually don't get snow until late January, which is really pathetic compared to Utah where I used to live.