Snow and every thing about it.

Moneyking63 said:
Here in St. Louis some winters we can have a ton of snow, some winters we have little. I love the snowball fights, especially when teams, and snow forts are involved :) Sledding can get pretty intenese, we have a great hill downtown here for it!

The best thing about snow though, a white christmas!! It just feels great opening gifts under the tree and seeing snow fall down through your window, it makes things feel perfect :)

Completely agree on the last part. I miss White Christmas. =( I last one that we had was in 2003.
From where I live, there's no snow.

But I did get to see some in a more northern state... and shot my sister with a snowball.

Ah... good days.
Yanmega Owns said:
Moneyking63 said:
Here in St. Louis some winters we can have a ton of snow, some winters we have little. I love the snowball fights, especially when teams, and snow forts are involved :) Sledding can get pretty intenese, we have a great hill downtown here for it!

The best thing about snow though, a white christmas!! It just feels great opening gifts under the tree and seeing snow fall down through your window, it makes things feel perfect :)

Completely agree on the last part. I miss White Christmas. =( I last one that we had was in 2003.

Yeah I think it was 2003, sounds about right.

Valk: Really you were in the STL hugh? Seems no one ever is :p Anyway it just snowed two nights ago, then that melted, and it snowed last night here to. Who knows whats to come in the future.
valk said:
Hey every one, I made this thread because I wanted to talk about snow! We here in Colorado we had about a foot of snow today, and no matter what Tomorrow is a two hour delay, maybe a snow day!
ok, so things to talk about are
-snow days
-snowball fights(these can get pretty brutal
-snow building(snowmen, igloos)
-if it falling, how much
-power outages

so, have fun.

Power outages... not the best thing, but it makes you learn how to live like the pioneers long ago- that's for sure. I also enjoying sledding on our huge hill in the back yard. I notice when the snow firsts falling it's packing snow so you can have snowball fights or build a snowman or even a snow fort, but the next day or the day after, the snow you packed hardens and the snow on the ground turns crumbly, and sometimes icy so there's great sledding weather. I always eat some of the fresh snow when it falls from the sky, and sometimes the icicles as well, even though that may not be the best thing to do, lol. :p
yeah, our water was out form all but my shower, thank god, so we were drinking from it.
^^^ You ppl are talking about no snow? Wow... It must be colder up here that I thought! :O

I live in Green Bay, WI. Otherwise known as the Frozen Tundra. We already have...5 Inches on the ground.

LOL, Power Outages in winter are brutal. I had one when I lived in North Carolina. We had an Ice/Snow storm (hail the size of BASEBALLS, PPL!) and the power was out for 2 days!

With the other snow that we got, we were originally going to make up 5 days into Summer Break! Fortunately, some nerd who had nothing else do do with their time figured something out, and we just added 11 extra minutes on to the end of each school day, and went 0 days into summer break! :D
Hey, more snow coming this way, furies mainly but lets cross out fingers.
Wow, snow has been falling like crazy over where I live. The remaining snow from last week has hardened and even turned rather icy so sledding with fairly good speed won't be much of a problem, but the snow is so sturdy you can hardly pick a ball of it up with taking an entire layer, lol. :p But I hope to go sledding big time this weekend. It is major fun, escpecially when my brother and I double dash like on Mario Kart, or have multiple races. I like sledding at night when everything is quiet and still. :)
Australia rarely gets snow, and the only snow I've ever been in was the artificial stuff.

Last time it snowed in my city it was in the 80's, and it was freak weather that doesn't come around.
Shade Daroach said:
Australia rarely gets snow, and the only snow I've ever been in was the artificial stuff.

Last time it snowed in my city it was in the 80's, and it was freak weather that doesn't come around.

Artifical snow? what?
Man-made snow. It's a complecated process where they get water and freeze it to the right temperature and stuff. A few of the snow parks over here use it during the year as we get little snow.

This may help
oh, yeah, they do that at ski slopes, I thought you meant like plastic confetti or something. LOL
Ireland hardly ever gets snow, although we did get one night of it last week. I made a snowman and jumped into it of my trampoline :) It was well fun, and very cold....
Wow, so little snow around the world. I got a snow day on Tuesday, so yeah. whenever theres like a foot of snow on our trampoline, we jump on it.
I too live in Green Bay, WI. We have over a foot of snow on the ground and yesterday we had a snow day.

We have so many hils for sledding and that stuff. Snow ball fights rule. Well cause I am good at them. I have amazing accuracy.

^You stink. :p I live in Ohio, (southern) and we didnt get much, an inch or two? Yeah. Bummer for us, but once it's late December-on ('til like March) we're getting a good chunk!