That is for casual play...Well, I don't know why but nearly ten years later I had this weird urge to play pokemon cards (my girlfriend just bought black and white for the DS and that tickled my memories of pokemon in middle school). At any rate we went out and bought a couple theme decks to see what was going on; I bought the Daybreak deck and she got the Retort deck. Short story shorter she has a very hard time when I get Espeon out (which is easy since I think I have 3/4 Eevees and 2 Espeons). Cmon' 1P enery and I get to move 4 damage any way I want? It says from 'any pokemon' so this includes Espeon itself, correct? I'm just curious about some opinions; we've only gotten a few booster packs too so maybe we're jumping the gun here? For casual play would you consider Espeon a bit too powerful?