Solar Suggestion too powerful?

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Aspiring Trainer
That is for casual play...Well, I don't know why but nearly ten years later I had this weird urge to play pokemon cards (my girlfriend just bought black and white for the DS and that tickled my memories of pokemon in middle school). At any rate we went out and bought a couple theme decks to see what was going on; I bought the Daybreak deck and she got the Retort deck. Short story shorter she has a very hard time when I get Espeon out (which is easy since I think I have 3/4 Eevees and 2 Espeons). Cmon' 1P enery and I get to move 4 damage any way I want? It says from 'any pokemon' so this includes Espeon itself, correct? I'm just curious about some opinions; we've only gotten a few booster packs too so maybe we're jumping the gun here? For casual play would you consider Espeon a bit too powerful?
Espeon is not too powerful. It doesn't even have a place in the competitive scene. Let's put it this way:


Look at that first attack. It can knock out ANY basic Pokemon for just one {F} energy. That with a Rare Candy make this a card to be feared. Because on the first turn: Machop. Rare Candy. Machamp. {F} energy. Good game.


Again, it's the first attack. Put three Magikarp into your discard pile, and you're hitting 90 damage for FREE.


I personally like and use this card. Its first attack, for only one {G} energy, lets you do 10 damage times the number of Pokemon in play. All of them. So, if your bench is full (It should be, because then you do more damage) and your opponents bench is full, that's 120 damage. For one energy.


This is also another powerful card. It's first attack lets you do 60 for one {F}. With a slight drawback, but it's still pretty good. It's usually paired with this.


Look at it's last attack. While Donphan hits your bench, Machamp benefits from it. Now, you're doing 150 damage!

I've only scratched the surface of cards that are used today. I haven't even gotten into SP.

I hope this helped!
for casual and theme deck play, yes. Espeon is a very good card. the ability to heal and manipulate damage counters around is very useful.
Decmaster said:

I hope this helped!

Very helpful, enlightening, and somewhat disappointing all at the same time. Is there really that many kingmakers? After doing a little more browsing I realized just how trivial my post was...but realistically, do these tournaments in generally involve using the two or three flavor of the year decks? Then again, it's not that much different from MTG I suppose...I recall this one time playing some kid with MTG at a comic book was one of those four turns and it's over decks...not really fun/original/exciting.
Espeon only involves healing your Pokemon for 40 damage at a time. If the opponent can consistently deal more than 40 damage per turn (and there are tons of ways to do that), Espeon simply becomes overwhelmed. I mean, at first glance it seems crazy since it results in an 80 HP difference, but if the other guy is hitting harder, it won't matter.
I think that's what the issue is. I don't think these theme decks carry too much umph. We did play a few more games since the observation and she did end up getting that dinosaur bronchosaurus type pokemon out which can dish out the damage and heal as well. With a little tweaking to her deck I don't think Espeon will be as influential as it is now. Thanks.
lol meganium. here use this to learn some of the basics if you dont know them already. most of the theme decks suck badly but they do introduce quite well and you can only go up from there.
Decmaster nailed it. Though I can see why Espeon would be overpowered if you were playing with theme decks I guess.
Espeon UD can be OHKO easily in the current format so Solar Suggestion is not a big threat. However, having said that, my kid cousin did open a Daybreak theme deck and beat our Juniors national champ on the spot playing Vilegar. If you and your girlfriend had bought Daybreak and Nightfall, the match-up would not necessarily have been in Espeons favor
Should have locked this hours ago when I saw the first reply.
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