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Soul's International Trades! Promo Pikachu, Staff Champions Festival, Sleeves and Phantom Forces!

RE: [H] 2-2 RH Claydol, Lv.X/Shinies/Platinum [W] Porygon-Z, Uxie, RH-Stuff...

How much money =(?
RE: [H] 2-2 RH Claydol, Lv.X/Shinies/Platinum [W] Porygon-Z, Uxie, RH-Stuff...

Sry, that's too much I don't even value Leafeon more than 15USD =P
RE: [H] 2-2 RH Claydol, Lv.X/Shinies/Platinum [W] Porygon-Z, Uxie, RH-Stuff...

I only need your Azelf Lv.X
RE: [H] 2-2 RH Claydol, Lv.X/Shinies/Platinum [W] Porygon-Z, Uxie, RH-Stuff...

ok well lets make the trade bigger then
RE: [H] 2-2 RH Claydol, Lv.X/Shinies/Platinum [W] Porygon-Z, Uxie, RH-Stuff...

Hmm...seriously? I value my Kingdras more than your Azelf X =P
RE: [H] 2-2 RH Claydol, Lv.X/Shinies/Platinum [W] Porygon-Z, Uxie, RH-Stuff...

really I dont value them that highly, so you dont wanna trade?
RE: [H] 2-2 RH Claydol, Lv.X/Shinies/Platinum [W] Porygon-Z, Uxie, RH-Stuff...

Hmm...nah I don't really need that Azelf X, it's just the onliest thing I COULD need xD
RE: [H] 2-2 RH Claydol, Lv.X/Shinies/Platinum [W] Porygon-Z, Uxie, RH-Stuff...

I have 20 Pichu #35 promos and a ton of the Pichu from Neo Genesis (Unlimited, 1st Ed, and Japanese). Any interest? PM me to let me know you've replied (so I don't forget I posted here), but please reply in this thread.
RE: [H] 2-2 RH Claydol, Lv.X/Shinies/Platinum [W] Porygon-Z, Uxie, RH-Stuff...

@ vilebaseball:
Sry the Pichu's are just throw ins..do you have any RH Call Energies ?

@ Dr.
Sorry I'm out of money =/
RE: [H] 2-2 RH Claydol, Lv.X/Shinies/Platinum [W] Porygon-Z, Uxie, RH-Stuff...

lol, Claydol...it's worth more than Leafeon,.,
RE: [H] 2-2 RH Claydol, Lv.X/Shinies/Platinum [W] Porygon-Z, Uxie, RH-Stuff...

I sad eny oher wants.
Intrestred in y shiny duskull? mint 90% about i think.
RE: [H] 2-2 RH Claydol, Lv.X/Shinies/Platinum [W] Porygon-Z, Uxie, RH-Stuff...

I don't value them high...my collection wants are just throw ins!
RE: [H] 2-2 RH Claydol, Lv.X/Shinies/Platinum [W] Porygon-Z, Uxie, RH-Stuff...

I got this Regigigas lvl.X
and i want 2x mesprit LA what of my wants can u add.
RE: [H] 2-2 RH Claydol, Lv.X/Shinies/Platinum [W] Porygon-Z, Uxie, RH-Stuff...

hmm...I only have a GER and a JPN Mesprit left...LMK if you're still interested!
RE: [H] 2-2 RH Claydol, Lv.X/Shinies/Platinum [W] Porygon-Z, Uxie, RH-Stuff...

Sorry, I can not help you then =(