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Soul's International Trades! Promo Pikachu, Staff Champions Festival, Sleeves and Phantom Forces!

RE: [H] RH Claydol, Giratina X, Shinies... [W] RH Stuff, Uxie X...

Well can you offer so I know how much you can part with...
RE: [H] RH Claydol, Giratina X, Shinies... [W] RH Stuff, Uxie X...

Well, you need to add something more to make the trade worth the shippment...
RE: [H] RH Claydol, Giratina X, Shinies... [W] RH Stuff, Uxie X...

BTS x2 = RH ones ?
RE: [H] RH Claydol, Giratina X, Shinies... [W] RH Stuff, Uxie X...

I've got:
8x POP6 Manaphy's.
What would you trade to me for them?
Or I can sell them to you.
RE: [H] RH Claydol, Giratina X, Shinies... [W] RH Stuff, Uxie X...

Hmm...I value each Manaphy abou 10ct =P
RE: [H] RH Claydol, Giratina X, Shinies... [W] RH Stuff, Uxie X...

ok then....would you trade x5 (any set) Eevee's for them (just to cover the postage)?
RE: [H] RH Claydol, Giratina X, Shinies... [W] RH Stuff, Uxie X...

Sorry, I won't pay 4€shippment (you live in australia, right ?) for cards I value 50ct...
RE: [H] RH Claydol, Giratina X, Shinies... [W] RH Stuff, Uxie X...

^Fair enough, thanx anyways.
I do have a Manaphy Candy figure (I got it from a Pokémon Candy+Figure) which is a double & I don't want it.
I'll see if I can find a pic for you if you'd like one.
RE: [H] RH Claydol, Giratina X, Shinies... [W] RH Stuff, Uxie X...

Well, I don't need any toys =P
RE: [H] RH Claydol, Giratina X, Shinies... [W] RH Stuff, Uxie X...

CML then...I'd even "rip my self off" for Eevee/lutions.
RE: [H] RH Claydol, Giratina X, Shinies... [W] RH Stuff, Uxie X...

Sorry, I didn't found anything =(
RE: [H] RH Claydol, Giratina X, Shinies... [W] RH Stuff, Uxie X...

^That's ok then.
Maybe next time.
RE: [H] RH Claydol, Giratina X, Shinies... [W] RH Stuff, Uxie X...

CML for 1 claydol GE.
RE: [H] RH Claydol, Giratina X, Shinies... [W] RH Stuff, Uxie X...

I need your ENG Shaymin Lv.X (Land).

Sry I only need RH ones...