SoulWork - Artshop - Repost your Request if needed.

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RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

Pandamore said:
Hopefully Soul Seeker comes back with good internet connection -_-

I hope so, too, lol
But my parents are still evil -.-
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

What do you want:
[ ] Avatar, [x] Banner, [ ] Fusion, [ ] Fake Card
How many different Characters:
[ ] One, [ ] Two, [x] Three, [ ] Four
Wich Characters: Empoleon and Infernape (DP: Majestic Dawn) and Torterra (stormfront)
Color Scheme: Fire, Water and Grass
Background :Red, Blue and Green
Text (Color): weavile93 (Black)
[x] Yes, [ ] No
[ ] Large, [x] Medium, [ ] Small
Artist Request:
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

weavile93 said:
What do you want:
[ ] Avatar, [x] Banner, [ ] Fusion, [ ] Fake Card
How many different Characters:
[ ] One, [ ] Two, [x] Three, [ ] Four
Wich Characters: Empoleon and Infernape (DP: Majestic Dawn) and Torterra (stormfront)
Color Scheme: Fire, Water and Grass
Background :Red, Blue and Green
Text (Color): weavile93 (Black)
[x] Yes, [ ] No
[ ] Large, [x] Medium, [ ] Small
Artist Request:

Since I'm online I'll take this request =)
I'll work on it tonight, tomorrow I'll post it.
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

Hi! Is It Possible To Order A Desktop Size ? Kinda Like a WallPaper For My Computer? If Possible, Include In My Order. If Not, Just Resize It.

What do you want:
[ ] Avatar, [x] Banner, [ ] Fusion, [ ] Fake Card
How many different Characters:
[ ] One, [x] Two, [ ] Three, [ ] Four
Wich Characters: (If you don't want Pokémon Card Images, please post a link)

Dialga + Palkia

Color Scheme: Diamond Blue & Scarlet Pink(Palkia's Colour)
Background (Colors): Moonlight + Skylight
Text (Color): Sky Blue(Visable Please)
[ ] Yes, [x] No
[x] Large, [ ] Medium, [ ] Small
Artist Request:
If You Can, Make It WallPaper Size For A Laptop.
Make It In The Night, Moonlight. Like DialgaAnd Palkia Roaring On
A Rock. If Ya Can. I appreciate u making enough already! xD
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

Metabee said:
Hi! Is It Possible To Order A Desktop Size ? Kinda Like a WallPaper For My Computer? If Possible, Include In My Order. If Not, Just Resize It.

What do you want:
[ ] Avatar, [x] Banner, [ ] Fusion, [ ] Fake Card
How many different Characters:
[ ] One, [x] Two, [ ] Three, [ ] Four
Wich Characters: (If you don't want Pokémon Card Images, please post a link)

Dialga + Palkia

Color Scheme: Diamond Blue & Scarlet Pink(Palkia's Colour)
Background (Colors): Moonlight + Skylight
Text (Color): Sky Blue(Visable Please)
[ ] Yes, [x] No
[x] Large, [ ] Medium, [ ] Small
Artist Request:
If You Can, Make It WallPaper Size For A Laptop.
Make It In The Night, Moonlight. Like DialgaAnd Palkia Roaring On
A Rock. If Ya Can. I appreciate u making enough already! xD

Since the image you posted is already pretty big I can try my best to do a good Wallpaper =)
I'll post it tomorrow.
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

Wait, is there still a rule on of there's no artist request, the poster picks the one he likes best? I am very bored -___-
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

Username: SotH
What do you want:
Banner Please
How many different Characters:

Which Characters:
Color Scheme: Gold and Silver

Background (Colors): GS ball (If possible) or maybe like Ho-oh & lugia Silhouettes

Text : 02 (At the Top) Nothing Like This Generation (Bottom Middle)

Text color: Crystal or Skyblue


[x] Medium
Artist Request: Pandamore;)
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

lol I start on it tomorrow. Right now I am on a ancient computer 0_0 (It's older than me so...)

As for the backround, I 'll use both of those choices and you can pick the one you like better. =D
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

Okee Dokee, thank you awesome Sarah.;) Shaymin Sista.:p
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

I finished Metabee's and Weavile93's Requests!

Metabee: (Attachment)


Please don't forget to give a credit :p


  • Metabee (Wallpaper).jpg
    Metabee (Wallpaper).jpg
    131.8 KB · Views: 5
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

What do you want:
[X] Avatar, [ ] Banner, [ ] Fusion, [ ] Fake Card
How many different Characters:
[X] One, [ ] Two, [ ] Three, [ ] Four
Wich Characters: (If you don't want Pokémon Card Images, please post a link)Cyrus,got no link
Color Scheme:Dark
Background (Colors):Team Galactic HQ
Text (Color):none
Border:black with green
[X] Yes, [ ] No
[X] Large, [ ] Medium, [ ] Small
Artist Request:The available ones
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

Why not, your cool. I'll take this.
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

Soul Seeker said:
I finished Metabee's and Weavile93's Requests!

Metabee: (Attachment)


Please don't forget to give a credit :p

RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

Goldash said:
::DF111:: said:
None of the links work ^_^

Let's try again, shall we? ^('0')^

http://archives . bulbagarden . net/w/upload/d/d8/Game_character_gold . png (Remove any spaces)

http://archives . bulbagarden . net/w/upload/1/1f/SugimoriSilver . png (Again, space removal)

http://www . pokemon-age . net/iron/pag/pokemon/images/region/johto/Pokemon-GSC-Johto-OlivineCity . png (Do I need to say it?)

Now you don't even have links xD
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

Not Exactly What I had in mind, but its a fantastic job nevertheless.
i sincerely thank you for the unbelievable job u did on the wallpaper
Soul Seeker xD

Is It Possible To Order More Than One? If So, Take In This Order Please.
Make it A Laptop Size Wallpaper Again xD. Make It A Banner If Not Possible.

What do you want:
[ ] Avatar, [x] Banner, [ ] Fusion, [ ] Fake Card
How many different Characters:
[ ] One, [x] Two, [ ] Three, [ ] Four
Wich Characters: (If you don't want Pokémon Card Images, please post a link)

Latios + Latias
Color Scheme:Eon Blue And Eon Red
Background (Colors):Sky, Light Blue
Text (Color): Diamond Blue And Rose Red
[ ] Yes, [x] No
[x] Large, [ ] Medium, [ ] Small
Artist Request: Make It Kinda Like Latios And Latias Flying. A Laptop Size
WallPaper Please. I Would Like It If Soul Seeker Did Mine
Again, But If His Busy, I'm Happy To Have Another Staff
Handle My Order. Thanks!
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

What do you want:
[ ] Avatar, [x] Banner, [ ] Fusion, [ ] Fake Card
How many different Characters:
[ ] One, [ ] Two, [ ] Three, [x] Four
Wich Characters: (If you don't want Pokémon Card Images, please post a link)
Color Scheme: Blastoise PT, Delcatty PT, Uxie LV.X, Dialga G LV.X.
Background (Colors):BLUE
Text (Color):RED
[x] Yes, [ ] No
[ ] Large, [X] Medium, [ ] Small
Artist Request:Jamtok
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

Goldash said:
Well, until it's done(that is, if you do it. Please?), I'll just use this one I made for now.

Well, if Soul Seeker doesn't come on today, I'll take the request since I don't want it to take too long 0.o
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

Pandamore said:
Goldash said:
Well, until it's done(that is, if you do it. Please?), I'll just use this one I made for now.

Well, if Soul Seeker doesn't come on today, I'll take the request since I don't want it to take too long 0.o

I'll seriously consider that. I promise. If he's not done don't know how to say this without sounding rude/pushy......soon? I'll ask either you or DF111. I mean, look at that Giratina sig! But, then again, you've got some pretty good ones too.....hmm.....tough descision. I'll let you know soon. {M}{D}

Ok, went with no. So, if you're working on it, Soul Seeker, keep going.
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