SoulWork - Artshop - Repost your Request if needed.

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RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

I know it isn't listed, but do you make Original art?
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

Juliacoolo said:
I know it isn't listed, but do you make Original art?

I can, IDK about anyone else...

@Goldash- You already requested a banner last page, delete that one if you're going to be asking for anyother one. Thx
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

Pandamore said:
Juliacoolo said:
I know it isn't listed, but do you make Original art?

I can, IDK about anyone else...

@Goldash- You already requested a banner last page, delete that one if you're going to be asking for anyother one. Thx

RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

Well if you do, can I get a shaymin? Chibi-ish. Cutsey and serene.
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

I'll get started on it tonight. I'll try to get it done as soon as possible...
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

Ok. Take your time. Unless you are Xous, original art doesn't grow on trees.
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

Username: shadowlugia
What do you want:
[X] Avatar, [ ] Banner, [ ] Fusion, [ ] Fake Card
How many different Characters:
[X] One, [ ] Two, [ ] Three, [ ] Four
Wich Characters: Lv. X Dusknoir (If you don't want Pokémon Card Images, please post a link)
Color Scheme: Dark colrs, purple, black
Background (Colors): some type of dark/black lightningg, etc.
[X] Yes, [ ] No
[ ] Large, [X] Medium, [ ] Small
Artist Request: None preferred.
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

Juliacoolo said:
Ok. Take your time. Unless you are Xous, original art doesn't grow on trees.

Wow, I thought it was going to take long >.<
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

Username: The Fallen One
What do you want:
[ ] Avatar, [X] Banner, [ ] Fusion, [ ] Fake Card
How many different Characters:
[X] One, [ ] Two, [ ] Three, [ ] Four
Which Characters:
Color Scheme: None needed
Background (Colors): The picture has them
Text (Color): Ganondorf, and under that, King of Evil
[X] Yes, [ ] No
Size: Same as last one
Artist Request: Jamtok

Please and thank you. :D

EDIT: Click on the link, and it won't work. Copy and repaste the adress in the browser bar and it should work.
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

if it is too many to ask do not do it.
What do you want:
[ ] Avatar, [X] Banner, [ ] Fusion, [ ] Fake Card
How many different Characters:
[ ] One, [ ] Two, [ ] Three, [X] Four
Wich Characters: (If you don't want Pokémon Card Images, please post a link)Crobat G,Cyrus scheme,honchkrow G and weavile G
Color Scheme:deep purple
Background (Colors):Galactic HQ
Text (Color):are you enough for his shade
[ ] Yes, [X] No
[X] Large, [ ] Medium, [ ] Small
Artist Request:NO.
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

Im doing Shadow Lugias now ^_^
Oh yeah and nice job on the Shaymin !

Okay i got a bit of a dilema xD
I have done two versions of the banner (unfinished) one dark on light and i prefere thje light one, but i know you aksed for dark lol.

Tere not finished,text ect but have a look and pic ^_^


  • 1 dusknoir banner.jpg
    1 dusknoir banner.jpg
    13.1 KB · Views: 8
  • 2 dusknoir banner.jpg
    2 dusknoir banner.jpg
    12.4 KB · Views: 8
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

BTW,I forgot to post the question mark:"are you enough for his shade?"
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!


::DF111:: said:
Im doing Shadow Lugias now ^_^
Oh yeah and nice job on the Shaymin !

Okay I got a bit of a dilema xD
I have done two versions of the banner (unfinished) one dark on light and I prefere thje light one, but I know you aksed for dark lol.

Tere not finished,text ect but have a look and pic ^_^

I thought he asked for a avi...
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

@ Customers:
Are there still any requests for me ?
If so, please post them again I'm pretty confused :p
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

Metabee said:
Not Exactly What I had in mind, but its a fantastic job nevertheless.
I sincerely thank you for the unbelievable job u did on the wallpaper
Soul Seeker xD

Is It Possible To Order More Than One? If So, Take In This Order Please.
Make it A Laptop Size Wallpaper Again xD. Make It A Banner If Not Possible.

What do you want:
[ ] Avatar, [x] Banner, [ ] Fusion, [ ] Fake Card
How many different Characters:
[ ] One, [x] Two, [ ] Three, [ ] Four
Wich Characters: (If you don't want Pokémon Card Images, please post a link)

Latios + Latias
Color Scheme:Eon Blue And Eon Red
Background (Colors):Sky, Light Blue
Text (Color): Diamond Blue And Rose Red
[ ] Yes, [x] No
[x] Large, [ ] Medium, [ ] Small
Artist Request: Make It Kinda Like Latios And Latias Flying. A Laptop Size
WallPaper Please. I Would Like It If Soul Seeker Did Mine
Again, But If His Busy, I'm Happy To Have Another Staff
Handle My Order. Thanks!

Unless you did this request.

I'm confused, too -_-
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

Alright, I'll work on it tonight.
RE: [SoulArt] 3rd Generation, order your Stuff now!

Soul Seeker said:
@ Customers:
Are there still any requests for me ?
If so, please post them again I'm pretty confused :p

Well, there WAS one from me. I deleted it because I wanted DF to work on one. But this is what mine was:
Username: Goldash
What do you want:
[ ] Avatar, [x] Banner, [ ] Fusion, [ ] Fake Card
How many different Characters:
[ ] One, [x] Two, [ ] Three, [ ] Four
Wich Characters: (If you don't want Pokémon Card Images, please post a link) Silver: http://archives . bulbagarden . net/w/upload/1/1f/SugimoriSilver.png (remove spaces) Gold: http://archives . bulbagarden . net/w/upload/d/d8/Game_character_gold.png (again, remove spaces)
Color Scheme: None
Background (Colors): Olivine City: http://www . pokemon-age . net/iron/pag/pokemon/images/region/johto/Pokemon-GSC-Johto-OlivineCity.png (space removal)(oh, and can you make the Lighthouse the main part of the background that you see?)
Text (Color): (At the top middle) Can't beat 2nd gen (in a Crystal-ish color. Like Light Blue, and with a level 5 bevel to make it look shiny) (at the middle bottom) Goldash (In a Silver-ish color. Light grey, with a level 5 bevel on it, to make it look shiny)
[x] Yes, [ ] No Can you make it a Gold-ish color? As in a yellow that is about the color of the Pokemon Gold cartridge?
[ ] Large, [x] Medium, [ ] Small
Artist Request: Soul Seeker, and could you have Silver(the Rival) on the left, with a level 30 bevel, and Gold(the GSC Hero) on the right, again, with a level 30 bevel?
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