SoulWork - Artshop - Repost your Request if needed.

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RE: [Flying Souls] Read the freakin' Rules!

What do you want ? > A banner
Characters ? > The man here
This man
And her
Size ? > Umm... about Medium
Color Scheme ? > Red, Black, Green
Text ? > Seeker
Size ? > You asked me this already xD
Artist Request ? > Anyone who can do it, as long as they are good
Secretly a Ninja ? > If you pay me 5$, I might be...
RE: [Flying Souls] Read the freakin' Rules!

Username: charidude
What do you want:
[ ] Avatar, [x] Banner, [ ] Fusion, [ ] Fake Card
How many different Characters:
[ ] One, [ ] Two, [ x] Three, [ ] Four
Wich Characters: Flygon, Machamp,Dusknoir
Color Scheme: Any
Background (Colors): White behind Flygon, Brown behind Machamp, and Purple behind Dusknoir
Text (Color): 3 titans come together to sweep battle roads.
[x] Yes, [ ] No
[ ] Large, [x] Medium, [ ] Small
RE: [Flying Souls] Read the freakin' Rules!

What do you want ? > Sig
Characters ? > Orlando Magic
Unless you can find a better picture.
Color Scheme ? > Blue and white
Text ? > Orlando Magic! Bring it L.A!
Size ? > Sig size?
Artist Request ? > Anyone
Secretly a Ninja ? > Que?

Also, can you put in this logo:
RE: [Flying Souls] Read the freakin' Rules!

just asking, i order a banner 2wk anyone doing it...
RE: [Flying Souls] Read the freakin' Rules!

What do you want ? > Render
Characters ? > Blastoise (Platinum)
Size ? > w/e would fit on a banner
Color Scheme ? > Normal
Text ? >
Size ? > You said size twice lol
Artist Request ? > It's a render so none, but I will give credit.
Secretly a Ninja ? > Nuuuuuu (There on to me!)

Thanks In Advance!
RE: SoulWork - Artshop - Avatars, Tags and more!

finally! xD

[Name]: Shining Latios
[What do you want]: banner
[Image Link] sorry you pick
[Background] what you think matches
[Color Scheme] what you think matches
[Text] Shining Latios
[Style] whatever you want
[Additional Comments] thanks if you can do it.
RE: SoulWork - Artshop - Avatars, Tags and more!

I guess it'll be posted on monday or sooner :p
RE: SoulWork - Artshop - Avatars, Tags and more!

If I hurry up...tomorrow cause I go to a party tonight.
RE: SoulWork - Artshop - Avatars, Tags and more!

Thats tonight its morning. Oh wait different time zones forgot. What time is it there btw did you start?
RE: SoulWork - Artshop - Avatars, Tags and more!

I'm not on my I said the party is starting soon :D
It's about 5PM here.
RE: SoulWork - Artshop - Avatars, Tags and more!

I'm using my laptop, but my resources like C4Ds and such are on a USB-Stick at my house.
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