SoulWork - Artshop - Repost your Request if needed.

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RE: SoulWork - Artshop - Avatars, Tags and more!

Hey man thanks for accepting me! If there's anything I can do right now then just tell me.

RE: SoulWork - Artshop - Avatars, Tags and more!

Sure no problem unless Soul has started on it...I'll start it.

COuld you please give more details? It's kinda hard to work with what you have given us.
RE: SoulWork - Artshop - Avatars, Tags and more!

He didnt he doesnt have Photoshop on what hes using. Also make the Latios
Shiny please thanks.
RE: SoulWork - Artshop - Avatars, Tags and more!

Yeah got that >_>


I can't start now since I won't have PS till later tonight so I might (small chance) start today. Probably tomorrow though. We live in different time zones (assuming you live in the states) so by the time you wake up it might be done.
RE: SoulWork - Artshop - Avatars, Tags and more!

[Name] mariomaniac
[What do you want] banner
[Image Link]
[Background] The kind that you used for your shop banner
[Color Scheme] blue
[Text] none
[Style] pop-out
[Additional Comments] can Soul do it please
RE: SoulWork - Artshop - Avatars, Tags and more!

SL: I don't have it right now becasue I'm not at home but I will have it soon.

MM: Soul will do it I guess.

Edit: OK I'm back so I'll start to work on SL's banner.
RE: SoulWork - Artshop - Avatars, Tags and more!

[Name] Gliscor
[What do you want] Banner
[Image Link] Ho-Oh Lugia
[Background] Fire and Ocean
[Color Scheme] Fire colors and ocean colors
[Text] HGSS Legends
[Style] Like the way you did the Latios banner on the first post (but smaller)
[Additional Comments]
-Do I ask Xous to use his work, or do you?

Thanks in advance!
RE: SoulWork - Artshop - Avatars, Tags and more!

Actually yeah!

I'm not too happy with the result but what the heck...tell me if you want something changed like the text or the text or something else like the text...:p or anything else.

RE: SoulWork - Artshop - Avatars, Tags and more!

Lol its great! Except the text is boring and white make it blend in like the color of shiny latios =D
RE: SoulWork - Artshop - Avatars, Tags and more!

Sure no problem. Also if you use it please give credit.

I will do the new version later sorry.
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