Wi-Fi Trades Soxrcol's MPT. Want VGC pokes with good IV's, Have WORLD09 Weavile!!

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RE: Soxrcol's shweet my player thread. TRU stuff!! Want battle pokes

Soxrcol said:
would you like me to look a few up? just ask man...

hey its dusknoir ill give u that shiny wooper u wanted for garchomp :D
RE: Soxrcol's MPT. Have events and some EV'd pokes!! Want battle pokes!

^ sure hit me up when you can
RE: Soxrcol's MPT. Have events and some EV'd pokes!! Want battle pokes!

its level 100, ev'd.
RE: Soxrcol's MPT. Have events and some EV'd pokes!! Want battle pokes!

aright then.
RE: Soxrcol's MPT. Have events and some EV'd pokes!! Want battle pokes!

want this

Garchomp - Jolly - Yache Berry - (EV'd:255 Attk, 255 Speed) Fire Fang, Dragon Claw, Rock Tomb, EQ
RE: Soxrcol's MPT. Have events and some EV'd pokes!! Want battle pokes!

^ for your shiny shinx?
RE: Soxrcol's MPT. Have events and some EV'd pokes!! Want battle pokes!

not really
RE: Soxrcol's MPT. Have events and some EV'd pokes!! Want battle pokes!

its level 100
RE: Soxrcol's MPT. Have events and some EV'd pokes!! Want battle pokes!

bump new azelf :)
RE: Soxrcol's MPT. Have events and EV'd pokes!! LF: Battle pokes and good IV's!

What would you like for the Evd Azelf?
RE: Soxrcol's MPT. Have events and EV'd pokes!! LF: Battle pokes and good IV's!

Check my thread, I am interested in Shiny Porygon.
RE: Soxrcol's MPT. Have events and EV'd pokes!! LF: Battle pokes and good IV's!

I have all your "battle ready" wants, but the only ones I can say for sure are battle ready are the Scizor and the Rampardos. I'm interested in getting as many Shinys as possible.
RE: Soxrcol's MPT. Have events and EV'd pokes!! LF: Battle pokes and good IV's!

my bad on the kinda late reply.

@Blackcharizard1456 - I like that Beldum w/ good ivs. You ok with that?

@Togetic - sorry man, I didn't see anything I wanted.

@Metricus - I'll give you a couple shinys for the ramp and the scizor. Can I get the EVs/IV's for them?
RE: Soxrcol's MPT. Have events and EV'd pokes!! LF: Battle pokes and good IV's!

I'm interested in:
WISHMKR Jirachi - Sassy
TRU Manaphy - Docile
TRU Dragonite - (*/26-27/*/*/30/26 - 27)
Pokemon Ranger Manaphy - Modest
TRU Darkrai - Quiet
MYSTRY Mew - Sassy
TRU Shaymin - Modest - (24-25/10-13/24-25/30/20-21/12-13)
TRU Regigigas!! - Adamant
Groudon - Adamant
Kyogre - Modest (UT+nickname-able OR (EV'd 252 sp attk, 252 speed, 4 hp) Water Spout, Surf, Ice Beam, Thunder
Rhyperior(choice) - Adamant - Choice Band - (EV'd: 255 HP, 255 Attack) Avalanche, Megahorn, Stone Edge, EQ

Please check my thread, and tell me if you are interested in anything for these.
RE: Soxrcol's MPT. Have events and EV'd pokes!! LF: Battle pokes and good IV's!

^ I didnt see anything I wanted man, sorry
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