Space and Time; A New Generation of Spriting has begun!

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RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Please ignore my previous order. This is what I want now.

Banner size: BIG
Pokemon: Honchkrow, Darkrai and Mightyena EX(all TCG pics)
Text: Feel the power of the darkness!!
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Are you sure you don't want it? I already made it for you....
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

welcomkanna said:
Dirge said:
Name: Dirge
What I want: A fusion of Manectric and Thyplosion.
Additional comment: Nothing XD

I'm sorry Dirge but this is the best that I can do. I know it looks Horrendous.

It's not that horrendous. It's kinda nice. Thanks =).
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Please give credit to the artist who made that for you.
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Opps, forgotten about that XD Sorry...
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

welcomkanna said:
Dirge said:
Name: Dirge
What I want: A fusion of Manectric and Thyplosion.
Additional comment: Nothing XD

I'm sorry Dirge but this is the best that I can do. I know it looks Horrendous.

To cool, I can't make the banner and I can't make the fusion too, sorry.
I'll try, I'll edit it later. It's also Low Quality, don't be surprised.

- Bigger Image

wow that so cool thanks alot!
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Can I have another fusion? This time it's Quilava with Mightyena XD
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Those are both wicked sweet the mightyena and the manetric on they are awesome!
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

I'm not teasing you. It isn't ugly.In fact,it is nice.

The Mightylava is AWESOME!!! Thanks a million for the great fusion =).
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

We can do userbars now too. Anyone want one?
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Can I get a lugia and Charizard fusion?
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Rocket member 777 said:
We can do userbars now too. Anyone want one?

What do you mean by userbars?
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Twig said:
I would like a 1st place Turtwig Trophy and a 987865th place Trophy of Chimchar.

Um no offence but I think you forgot my order
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Ok than just put the largest number possible and drop place at the end
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Thanks for the fusion!
Don't insult chimchar like that!

I would like a Chimchar trophy 1st place and a turtwig on just put Last place for the number!
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

Can you make a fusion of Blastoise Charizard and Venasuar?

I liked the LC fusion thanks!
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

I'll do the trophy. And if you want to see an example of my userbars check the first page of the shop.
RE: Space and Time; We do banners, trainer cards and more! Open for buisness!

i'll just repost my order-

pokemon-Lucario, Empoleon, Raquaza, Pachirisu, Scizor, Regigigas
background- Legendary (something that looks really cool!)
Trainer sprite- Lance (green, blue, or normal hair)