Wi-Fi Trades Spirit Of Mews My player thread I have shiny pokemon Have light Ball for trade Big Updates!!!!! Plea

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RE: Mew EX07 My player thread I have shiny pokemon

billy Actually even though the item was hacked I still hold it a little higher in value
RE: Mew EX07 My player thread I have shiny pokemon

What does that mean?
What about jolteon eevee and flarion?
RE: Mew EX07 My player thread I have shiny pokemon

Hiro- you can tell me the moves if you want but it doesn't matter to me
Billy I would do that.
RE: Mew EX07 My player thread I have shiny pokemon

well do you want it I can teach other moves you want
RE: Mew EX07 My player thread I have shiny pokemon

yeah its okay I have school tommorow so when are you normally on
RE: Mew EX07 My player thread I have shiny pokemon

I'm on from 4:00pm to 10:00 Pm EDT (Eastern daylight time it is 7;59 pm for me now)
RE: Mew EX07 My player thread I have shiny pokemon Big Updates!!!!! Please look

Hi i got a Rayquaza and a Sceptile L.v100 and a shiny Plusle all legit cloned.What would u give me for them?Thanks bye
RE: Mew EX07 My player thread I have shiny pokemon Big Updates!!!!! Please look

ill trade u a shiny mew lv 100 for ur shaymin
RE: Mew EX07 My player thread I have shiny pokemon Big Updates!!!!! Please look

Dusk is it legit?

dragon9 what do you see that you want from my list?
RE: Mew EX07 My player thread I have shiny pokemon Big Updates!!!!! Please look

would you trade your lv 100 Lapras for my shiny eevee (legit)?
what are Lapras's stats?
RE: Mew EX07 My player thread I have shiny pokemon Big Updates!!!!! Please look

Yes and it's japanese. Deal.

Hp: 381
Df: 188
SA: 194
SD: 219
Sd: 137
RE: Mew EX07 My player thread I have shiny pokemon Big Updates!!!!! Please look

what do you want for 10 anivrsary Celebi wil trade big!!
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