Wi-Fi Trades Spirit Of Mews My player thread I have shiny pokemon Have light Ball for trade Big Updates!!!!! Plea

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I want the lavatar I can get cresselia but thats not a good trade. What else do you want for it
a quiet prin plup with hydro pump and ice beam already known
I only have one. and I didnt catch it yet :D I have calm chansey
1. Can you nickname the Milotic?

2. Can we trade now?

3. I'll trade a cresselia for an adamant D-dancing larvitar.
no i dont have it yet. and if lavatar is level 1 the how will that be a good trade
Sorry I was talking to Cryptic and LArvitar is very valuable to me I may even be getting a shiny because of it's egg moves and nature.

Name: Graeme
FC: 4167 1375 0795 I'll invite.
Could you name the Larvitar "Despotar" (Not complete caps)
Sorry I don't have a dancingone but I have other like Thoroughly cunning, good endurance, somewhat stubborn, and often lost in thought
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