Squirtli's Fake Cards - Two Klinklangs! 1/16


Gen 6 National Dex Complete!
Welcome to my thready thread of threadiness where I shall show off the fake Pokémon cards that I have created.​

Also! I am now accepting art for cards and text-based card thingies, whatever you call them! Please PM these to me instead of posting them, however. Oh, and just because I don't use your art/card doesn't mean I have anything against you or it. It just means that I didn't use it.


Reborn Legends

J Promos - Finished

EX: Collapsing Dimension Promos - Inactive

EX: Collapsing Dimension - Inactive
1. Cherrim
2. Cresselia
3. Crobat (Non-Holo)
4. Dialga
5. Empoleon
6. Garchomp
7. Giratina
8. Hippowdon
9. Infernape
10. Luxray
11. Magnezone
12. Palkia
13. Rhyperior
14. Shaymin Land
15. Shaymin Sky
16. Tangrowth
17. Torterra
18. Weavile
19. Abomasnow
20. Bronzong
21. Camerupt
22. Carnivine
23. Drapion
24. Electivire
25. Froslass
26. Giratina
27. Glaceon
28. Gliscor
29. Leafeon
30. Lickilicky
31. Magmortar
32. Nidoqueen
33. Tangrowth
34. Toxicroak
35. Yanmega
36. Absol
37. Camerupt
38. Cherrim
39. Drifblim
40. Elekid
41. Espeon
42. Flareon
43. Gabite
44. Glalie
45. Gligar
46. Golbat
47. Grotle
48. Jolteon
49. Lickitung
50. Lumineon
51. Luxio
52. Magby
53. Magcargo
54. Magneton
55. Monferno
56. Nidorina
57. Nidorino
58. Prinplup
59. Purugly
60. Rhydon
61. Skuntank
62. Starmie
63. Tentacruel
64. Tropius
65. Umbreon
66. Vaporeon
67. Weezing
68. Bronzor
69. Cherubi
70. Chimchar
71. Croagunk
72. Drifloon
73. Eevee
74. Electabuzz
75. Finneon
76. Gible
77. Glameow
78. Hippopotas
79. Koffing
80. Magmar
81. Magnemite
82. Nidoran ♀
83. Nidoran ♂
84. Numel
85. Piplup
86. Rhyhorn
87. Shinx
88. Skorupi
89. Slugma
90. Sneasel
91. Snorunt
92. Snover
93. Staryu
94. Stunky
95. Tangela
96. Tentacool
97. Turtwig
98. Vulpix
99. Yanma
100. Zubat
101. Day-Care Man
102. Dowsing Machine
103. Energy Vacuum
104. Fuego Ironworks
105. Heal Ball
106. Hiker
107. Snowy Passage
108. Turnback Cave
109. Abomasnow EX
110. Dialga EX
111. Garchomp EX
112. Giratina EX
113. Luxray EX
114. Palkia EX
115. Rhyperior EX
116. Shaymin EX
117. Tangrowth EX
118. Empoleon ☆
119. Infernape ☆
120. Torterra ☆

Promo Series 2
- Active


RE: Squirtli's First Fake Card

squirtli... long time no see :3

Very well made card, and I especially like the artwork.
RE: Squirtli's First Fake Card

Quite honestly, the city background with the sign (especially the sign) is not needed, imo. At the very least, there's no need to know that the background is Goldenrod city.

Concerning fonts and placement, you have quite a bit of down, but there's still a few things out of place here and there. This guide for the EX-Series show you pretty much how to do it right. :3

Happy faking!
RE: Squirtli's First Fake Card

Thanks, Futachimaru! And no joke about long time lol. Pokebeach has changed a lot since I last saw it xD

And hai thar, Zyflair. I know the background wasn't needed, but I kinda just felt like it :p That was the guide I used, but the fact that Futura LT wasn't in the download I got from the fake card resources kinda threw me off. I still need to go get that font, actually... And thanks! ^_^
RE: Squirtli's First Fake Card

First fake? Awesome, squirtli! As Zyflair said, things look generally correct -- especially for your first!

Did you use the font download from Flameh's site or on PA!...because I though Futura was on Flameh's download. I'll look into it. I'll try and find it for you somewhere.
RE: Squirtli's First Fake Card

I originally downloaded Flameh's, but when I didn't see it there, I downloaded the one one PA. I might've just missed it, but thanks for looking! ^_^

As of now, I'm working on Skiploom. I should have it up later tonight. Maybe.
RE: Squirtli's First Fake Card

Hi! I noticed something that hasn't been mentioned yet. On Hoppip's Float Away it says -

"Return Hoppip and all cards attached to Hoppip to your hand."

When it should really say -

"Return Hoppip and all cards attached to it to your hand."

But that's just me. Otherwise, it looks fantanstic.

Oh, yah. Can someone PM me the Gill Sans and Futura fonts. DOn't know where they are . . .
RE: Squirtli's First Fake Card

Thanks for letting me know about that, GoobieDoob. I wasn't sure about the wording when I made it, and I was trying to decide between "Hoppip" and "it", but it looks like I made the wrong choice >.< I'll fix that.

I can PM you the Gill Sans, but as of now, I don't have the Futura one.
RE: Squirtli's First Fake Card

No problem, GoobieDoob!

And here's Skiploom. Picture is most likely going to change in at least SOME way tomorrow when I can actually work on it without dozing off xD

RE: Squirtli's First Fake Card

Liked your style, and how you use your own arwork on your cards. It's awesome to say the least.

The cards itself are well made, it's nice to see people faking ex-series this days!

Just a tip tough: remove the white from the border edges, makes the card feel more like it it was scanned :p

Good job!
RE: Squirtli's First Fake Card

Wow these are brilliant, when you've finished Jumpluff you should show J-Wittz lol.
RE: Squirtli's First Fake Card

Delta Nite - Thanks! I think having my own artwork on them makes them feel more like my creation xD

And yeah, EX-series was always my favorite, though I'll probably be doing fakes of others, too. And yeah, that's a good idea xD

Hazz - Thanks! ^_^

EDIT: Here's Jumpluff:

RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - Jumpluff and Houndour Added!

Hi! One more thing. Can you PM me the link to the blanks. I might use them in the future . . .

Loving Jumpluff and Houndour!
RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - Jumpluff and Houndour Added!

Update with Houndoom!


Hopefully the backgrounds/effects I'm adding make up for the fact that I've used Ken Sugimori artwork for these two dogs =3
RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - Now with a side of Houndoom!

New cards look good, squirtli! Just a few things: the HP placement is off on Houndoom, and the attack text needs to be justified on Houndour and Jumpluff. Remember to always capitalize Energy as well.
RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - Now with a side of Houndoom!

Thanks for pointing those out! I need to get used to justifying the text >.<
And goodness, you're definitely right about Houndoom's HP. I have no idea how I missed that one.
RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - Now with a side of Houndoom!

I think they used a different style for the double type pokemon type symbols...but I could be wrong. Very nice cards.
RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - Now with a side of Houndoom!

Oh goodness. I have been informed that I have used the incorrect blank for the Houndoom card. I will fix that as soon as possible.

EDIT: Fixed
RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - Now with a side of Houndoom! - Houndoom Blank Fixed~

Bump, and an update. Snover, the first of two or three promos to go along with a set I am going to make. I have to say, though, Gen IV Pokemon look kinda weird on EX Blanks >.>;
