Squirtli's Fake Cards - Two Klinklangs! 1/16

RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - Added Crobat! 12/1

Updating with the first card from the set I'm now working, Crobat! Thanks to asche for getting the Futura LT fonts for me, and to Xous for the art!

RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - More Psychic Pokémon! Koffing! Read First Post! 12/3


Froslass-y bump, I suppose?
RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - More Psychic Pokémon! Koffing! Read First Post! 12/3

For which Pokémon in particular are you looking for art? I could help but I'm not sure what exactly you need other than what's listed under EX: Collapsing Dimension.
RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - Even more Psychics! Froslass! Read First Post! 12/3

CMP: It's pretty much just those, since that's the main thing I'm working on. If you'd like to know a few in particular, I need art fitting for Garchomp ex, Abomasnow ex, and Luxray right now. Any of their pre-evos would be nice too if you know of any.
RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - Too Many Psychics... Bronzor! Read First Post! 12/7

Hm, would you like any possible art links pm'd to you in that case?
RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - Too Many Psychics... Bronzor! Read First Post! 12/7

Yeah, that'd be great Zyflair! ^_^

Oh, and as of now, I have Magneton finished, but I'm still waiting for permission to use a certain art for him.
RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - Hey guys it isn't a Psychic! Absol! Read First Post! 12/9

ABSOL! Yes, the attack is the most uncreative thing ever. I didn't want an uncommon card to be TOO special, seeing as how Absol's Poké-Body is pretty cool.
RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - Hey guys it isn't a Psychic! Absol! Read First Post! 12/9

I LOVE that Absol art!
RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - Hey guys it isn't a Psychic! Absol! Read First Post! 12/9

30 damage for 1 energy might be a bit overpowered on a Basic, given the time period we're working with here.

But otherwise, looks pretty great.
RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - Hey guys it isn't a Psychic! Absol! Read First Post! 12/9

Aschefield: Thanks, Zyflair got it for me ^_^ I still wonder where Zy manages to get so many pics...

Kam: It's 2 Energy. So technically, if you were to use a Special Darkness Energy (the only one during this time period), it would be 40 damage for 2 energy. Plus the fact that iirc, you can only have 4 Darkness Energy in a deck.
RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - Hey guys it isn't a Psychic! Absol! Read First Post! 12/9

Uncommon cards can't be "too special"? What are you talking about?! Dx

That was like the best Absol art I found and you can't give it the Awesome Spoiler of Justice because you decided to make it an uncommon?! [/rage]

Well, admittedly, I didn't do too much either when I spoiled a card for that art, but at least it has a more awesome Power/Body:
Absol [D] HP 70
Basic Pokémon

Ability - Meddle
Once during your turn, when you play Absol from your hand onto your bench, you may have each players look at their opponent's hand and choose a card from there. Discard the chosen cards. You can't use more than 1 Meddle Ability per turn.

[D] Pounce 30
Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing.

Weakness: [F] x2
Resistance: [P] -30
Retreat Cost: [C]
RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - Hey guys it isn't a Psychic! Absol! Read First Post! 12/9

Well, maybe they can, but yours doesn't seem to be too much more special xD
I am liking that Poké-Power, but I figured I'd go more onto the part of Absol having to do with disaster and stuff like that. Oh, and the attack doesn't seem to be different other than the fact that it's unreliable xD

Still, it's a nice spoiler, so you should've given it to me before I made the card ;F
RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - Hey guys it isn't a Psychic! Absol! Read First Post! 12/9

I totally didn't see the darkness energy and thought it only costed {C}. Whoops.
RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - Hey guys it isn't a Psychic! Absol! Read First Post! 12/9

Meddle =/= disasters, I guess, but it's still disruptive as hell. Also, I didn't know you were going to give it that kind of spoiler. x_x
RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - Hey guys it isn't a Psychic! Absol! Read First Post! 12/9

Haha, I think I know that spoiler :)

Nice card, and I think Bad Luck fits Absol perfectly.
RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - Updates out the Wazoo! Empoleon! Read First Post! 12/9

Kam: Yeah, it is kinda hard to see :/
Zy: Yeah, I think disruptive describes it pretty well xD
Delta Nite: Thanks! I do need to reword the Poké-Body though, to be a little more similar to Sceptile Delta ex.

And yes, I like dual-types.
RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - Updates out the Wazoo! Empoleon! Read First Post! 12/9

I like the Empoleon -- I miss dual types! I would say, though, that because you are using EX blanks (and EX wording) it might be best to use Grass in place of Psychic for Empoleon's resistance. Even though the Pokémon does resist Psychic, I'm assuming that you meant for it to be Poison. :p
RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - Updates out the Wazoo! Empoleon! Read First Post! 12/9

I was thinking Grass originally for Resistance, but since I'm using Psychic for Poison, I went with that. I know it isn't the way the EX-series did it, but I prefer Psychic to Grass for Poison :F

But yeah, it is supposed to be Poison.
RE: Squirtli's Fake Cards - Updates out the Wazoo! Empoleon! Read First Post! 12/9

Bronzor and Magneton both have Grass resistance, which I why I thought you were using Grass for Poison.