SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

hye, chansey master, what have u against clouds?
i mean, mabye they've tried really hard to form them into bowsers shape just for us to discover?
if anything, we need to overanalyse more.
or who knows- more cloud shaped discovereis could escape us?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

This is awesome!!

Did anyone else literrally "rofl" when Mario got hit by that cannonball? I did. That was HILARIOUS!! Also....YES!! PETEY PIRAHNA IS GOING TO BE IN THIS!!! WHOOOOO! Ol' Petey is one of my favorite Mario characters. It was also hilarious how Peach and Zelda get locked up. I'm still laughing.

One good thing about it, is that you don't start with Mario. From the looks of it, you have to battle Petey Pirahna with Kirby. Thus, you start out with Kirby. I wonder where Link and Pikachu are right now....Shouldn't Link be protecting Zelda...Or something?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

i know FINALLY mario gets kicked around a bit he going to come back with a giant flameing cannon and burn everyone of those bad guys..... and yeah petey is cool maybe playable?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

4me4them said:
hye, chansey master, what have u against clouds?
i mean, mabye they've tried really hard to form them into bowsers shape just for us to discover?
if anything, we need to overanalyse more.
or who knows- more cloud shaped discovereis could escape us?

Ok the cloud did not take those shape the creater gave them that and I don't think they made them that way so we could guess who they are
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

The new area looks pretty cool and is it a level or is it part of adventure mode? It is hard to see the photos right now with the reflection of the sun on the screen.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

And again I say: This is awesome!

And again I say: Did anyone think it was hilarious when Mario was shot away and the Princesses were locked up?

Also, with this story mode.....WILL SOME OF THE CHARACTERS TALK?! O.O?!

And, I really, really, really, really, really hope that Petey Pirahna is a playable character.....although, he looks a bit too big in that movie. :/

Also, it's part of the story mode. Not a stage. Although, that stadium might be one. We don't know.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ssb4ever said:

my brother said you can see Ganon (Ganadorf) Bowser and Ridley i this picture.....

There is a Ridley and Bowser for sure and I see Mario and Kirby too.:)
I am glad it is Adventure mode I thought it was a level at first.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

How in the world do you people see those people in the clouds? Maybe I'm just blind, but if you haven't noticed in any other video game... RED CLOUDS = DARKNESS AND/OR EVILNESS
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.


my bro outlined them... from the left is: ganon, bowser, and ridly..... :D
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Hmmm....You outlined them, and I still can't see them. I think you're thinking too hard. They're clouds. It doesn't really matter.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

but it's fun to puzzle people:D and i didn't outline them.... my brother did..... he said he read some where that there's a master hand in the clouds 0.o
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Look carefully at the wings. They are the wings of Ridley and also the the head and body givaway the Ridley photo but the spikes confirm Bowser is there and Mario and Kirby can easily be seen.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

really a kirby... i thought that was a little error on the photo lol :D (just kidding)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

No that is a Kirby. LOL.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

lol im going to kill for this game to come out early (any requests!?) just kidding :D

anyway yeah we're all thinking about this to hard and i know the REAL ansewer......

edward,inuyasha,naruto and goku are going to become playable i mean come on. (tisk tisk tisk come on guys its obvious)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

You guys have to realize that it's very often that clouds look generally like something.

"Hey look at that cloud, it looks like Mario"
"No, it looks like a cloud"

Now although that was extremely stupid, a cloud really becomes whatever you tell your imagination it is. Those outlines don't mean anything to me. Just weird looking faces.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

hey diddy kong!

looks like hes gonna have a projectile weapon too!

peanut pop guns forever!