Fearig slowly started to wake up. When he opened his eyes, he closed them fast.
New person, he thought. He sank into darkness(shadow) into the ground. His head (and head only) appeared in a cloak of shadow, where they could not see it. It appeared as if he were still lying fainted. He listened in on their conversation. He heard about the mudkip named muddy not trusting him, muddy trusting other tepig to let him on team. A hypocrite, he is. Fearig came completely out of ground and became visible again.
He asked muddy "Why would you trust this tepig if you don't trust me? And they call you a leader...Is it because my color? You never seen an odd-colored pokemon? I'm a different color, but so are shinys. I get treated different because of my non-shiny color and my talents. You are such a hypocrite, muddy. And before you ask how I know your name, I'll let you know I've been listening for the past 5 minutes."
Then Fearig gave muddy a hard stare. He thought he saw something different about him. And what about the forcefield?