Finished Starter RPG IV - Chronicles of Unova (Started)

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"Of course, the meal should be ready any time now. Everyone, follow me" Wajar said to them. He lead them through the village to a large hut and took them inside, where a long dinner table sat with place settings for all of them and more. "You may sit where you like" he said, taking a seat at the head of the table. "The food will be out shortly"
Scales sat down and immediately got ready to eat. He wondered what new food there was here, if there was anything new at all.
"Well, well..." Pyrex said, gesticulating. He sat at the end of the table, out of general sight and not really too hungry.
Fearig kept fading in an out of consciousness, but like sleep walking, he sat down. He came into existence when he heard the word "food." He got up from the group and sat away from them, in a chair in the darkest corner of the room, but not really dark at all. He already messed things up. He was supposed to find whatever help he could and whatever information he could. If he made friends with these people he could get both, possibly. He sat in complete silence in his end of the room, waiting for the food. To admit it, he was hungry. Starving, in fact.
Muddy followed Wajar into the dining hall and took a seat near the end of the table, and motioned for Gladar to sit beside him.
Fearig took a curious look at mudy. Something was different about him. He had powers. He had friends. It was almost too good...
He then looked at the other shadow pokemon. He was different too. Too many odd pokemon, if they even are. How do I know they are truly real pokemon? They arrived on a boat from a foreign land.
Ronin sat at the table but took no notice of the food, he looked at Muddy and asked, "How about we introduce ourselves and give each other some light on our pasts? It'll help to form a...Bond, that's it..."
Once all the pokemon had sat down, some doors opened and out came some Pansage's with platters of food on them, which were set around the table. There were all kinds of fruit, and roasted feild mice (electrical rodent?), a type of soup made from some kind of meat with many vegetables floating in it, some bread, hot tea and water to drink. There was also generic pokemon food for anyone who preferred that.

OoC: Yeahh, just made that all up off the top of my head. You can use some imagination to think of what a tribe of pokemon would eat haha
Gladar spied some roast Pidove, and cut himself some meat off it. He took a bite, then sat back in satisfaction. "Just as good as it ever was. I've felt keenly the loss of these delicious delicacies ever since I finished my sojourn here. Send my compliments to the chefs." he said smacking his lips, before tearing off another piece of succulent meat. He leaned over towards Wajar, and spoke in a hushed tone. "It is all very well to quell our concerns with tales that this army remains far from here, but if it comes, will you make the choice of whether to go with courage into the fray, or to surrender to their growing and imposing might?"
Scales couldn't choose what to eat so he went with what he thought would be best. He grabbed some fruits and some soup and devoured that before moving on to the meat. "My compliments to the chefs!" He then reached over to get some meat and sat back, his stomach full. This is awesome! I can't wait to see what else there is to eat here! I wonder if anybody else is thinking the same thing? Hmm...
Dious, who had been silent(because I was busy) began eating a Torchic while finding the irony in cooked fire bird meat funny. He finally spoke up," So, Fearig, how do you teleport by using Shadow Ball?" he asked the new Tepig who he still didn't trust.
"Of course we will fight. Our army is a powerful one, and we are a proud people. We will fight for ourselves and what we believe in without a second thought. But hopefully your lot we be able to prevent this all from happening"
"I wasn't exactly saying that, if you get my drift. Fighting should be avoided. Us lot, our band of travelers are attempting to do just that, to stop any possible chance of fighting." said Pyrex grimly.
"Well, heres someone who is nice. For your information, the shadow goes to another dimension. That is also how it hurts other pokemon more than a regular shadow ball. it warps parts of flesh and skin to another dimension. Its like being an invisible floating camera, and you choose a surface to form out of, if you choose to ever form together in the normal dimension again. Quite interesting, actually. Any more questions?....mmmmmmmmmm...mmmm...Compliments....chef..." He said ending on a note of him eating a perfect piece of roasted fearow, with special seasoning imported from kanto.
"Thats very interesting...." Hydro said after finishing his bite of Pidgey.

"Anything else you can do?" He asked.
"mmm..." He said chewing. He swallowed then said, "You should try some of this." He said this pointing at the glass bowl of the Moo Moo Milkshake. He then said "I can combine two moves, practice moves so much, the moves literally change to be more powerful, and many other things. I was an experiment of war machines made of pokemon by some evil tribe. I've decided not to work for them anymore, but I will still get my personal mission done. That is to stop this war, and find a caring group of friends or a trainer who cares. Thats kind of why I came with you guys. In fact, I could teach you a few things. Some of my skills are just things I figured out, not mutuant powers. I can't show you the teleport, but I might be able to show you how to make a move more powerful. "
He then turned to muddy and said "Look. I'm sorry. Can I do anything to get your trust? Anything at all?"
Muddy shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe not." He tactfully avoided the Torchic, since Freya was there.
"You sure?" He looked at some toxicroak pie (labeled not-posionius) "That loos good, does it not?"

OOC": I got it from your avvy., nabby. lol.
Muddy froze, mid-chew, and saw the pie for the first time. "Yes... yes it does." Glancing around quickly, he grabbed the whole pie and put it on his plate.
OOC: lol

IC: "See? I can be nice, every now and then."
"Until we get farther in our quest- now that I'm part of the team- I am going to go and seee if I can find a twinkie in the kitchen.

OOC: FDid I forget to mention, he eats when hes feeling regretful or lonely.
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