Finished Starter RPG IV - Chronicles of Unova (Started)

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"I'll go with Fearig to Celebor to raise awareness. I doubt any harm could come to him there, and we can go with Hathsan." says Pyrex.
Am I considered a leader?

Freya was slightly dissapointed to see that she would be serperated from the logic of Gladar, but it made more sense to have the aliens seperated.
"Do we have an idea of where this Witch Queen?"
"I think I know where she is..." Ronin paused, taking a deep breath, "...We went to a holiday home for our honeymoon, that area was the first place to fall to her control, so I believe that her fortress is there!"
"Sounds like a plan! Let's go to Babaya's Fortress!" Ronin was already walking away, determination blew the Shadow Pokemon to the west. Ronin suddenly stopped and looked back to the group, "Um...Pardon my terrible positioning skills, but, where's the North-West?"
Gladar was about to speak when a quivering voice rang out.

"The future is dark and bleak." All heads turned to the source of the words. A Sigilyph floated hazily, fading into and out of focus.

"Listen," said Dashal. "It is said Xylophine can see into times yet to come." The Sigilyph carried on. "A world where no sun shines. And endless fires burn with passionate anger, taking the land from whence they came. Forests will be razed, and dark malevolence will fall onto these fair glens and woods. Our world will become a place of despair, and all hope will die. A world where monsters walk where we once did, and shadows will multiply and purge the universe of survivors. These are days yet to come." And the Sigilyph fell silent.

Gladar gulped.

"Come, friends. Let us part our ways here. All who wish to stay and fight against the Tao threat, we will listen on, and find out the choices these potent chiefs will make. Those who quest for the Witch-queen - make your way north to Celebor with Pyrex. There you may find Babagaya."

He looked Muddy in the eye, and lowered his voice . "Is it really our choice," he said, and sincere sorrow in his eye, "To send these Pokémon to their deaths? For both you and I know that many will never return..."
"I think I know where she is." Dious pointed out. He then relayed his dream to everybody else. "She moves around throughout her territory often, but I think this time she's staying in one place out of arrogance. Tell me, are there any known cave systems near here?"
Muddy grimaced. "This is the only way, Gladar, we must stop Babayaga. Casualties will happen. Many people will not return. I will not return, even if I survive this."
Ronin looked down at his sword and then got ready to leave, "I'm going to leave you lot behind if you don't hurry up! Time is of the essence my friends..." Ronin shouted, already at the exit...

The cloaked figure sat on a dark throne in the middle of a dense fog, looking down at her Skeleton Staff. "They're coming...I should be ready for them..." Babayaga muttered, eyes completley focused on the Staff as if it were worth millions.
"You must do, my friend, what you must do." said Gladar sadly. "When that moment comes, I want to be at your side. We will be together till the last."
"Well... I must agree now. An occurrence in the air. The ground trembles. I sense it... Change is upon us. A new lord of Unova shall rise from the dust, and there will be no Dawn for evil." said Pyrex. "Now, away! We head for Babayaga!"

Deep in the earth, a tremor rippled up. It flew in a raged frenzy towards Babayaga, but the foundations were strong in her dominion. It passed through the floor, and went out into the sky.
"Babagaya is not responsible for that. She is merely a pawn in the master plan, Raja." said Gladar. "So be wary, my friend. Lies, trickery and deception await you. Time itself begins to crack, and the bounds of space strain too..."

Xylophine's voice immediately boomed out again. Silence fell over the rest of the hall.

"The Five come, to burn and raze and to bring the end to our world. They will come, and be met in battle by the Two. 7 will fight, only 1 can survive. Then the world falls into chaos, and the stars will be forgotten by the sky, the winds by the earth, and a darkness will fall, one that can never be lifted. The Shadows will rule, lead by the One whose name we dare not speak... And at his right-hand, the traitor, the one who fools and kills with ease; the Slayer..."

Gladar had a terrified look in his eyes. "Let us go, friends... This is no place for us..." And he walked out the exit.
By looking at the sun in the sky, and doing some math, Freya quickly found the direction.
"That way." She says as she points, and begins to walk in that direction.
Ronin nodded and followed Freya. "Say, Freya, I've been wandering..." Ronin twiddled his thumbs as he walked, "...Who was Leachim talking about? Who is this Ashka person?"
Freya winced at the name, preparing to hide the tears that would come, but they didn't. Freya had at least accepted her sisters death.
"Ashka was my sister. One day, she dissapeared. It turns out that she went on a journey with Muddy and some others. She was slowly killed by Giritina, and Dialga summoned me to replace her to help Muddy for the rest of the journey." She sighs slowly. "But no one is telling me anything. Who else was with her beyond Muddy? How did she die? Did she have adventures in between? How did she get to know legendaries?"

She shakes her head in dissapointment.
"It looks like we're both being held in the dark."
OOC: You won't be for long. A New Dawn is coming. /sarcasm
IC: "Quit nattering! The sooner we get there the better." said Pyrex unthoughfully.
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