Dashal rose to his feet. Silence fell across the entire hall. He cleared his throat, then spoke. "We meet in times of gravest danger. Great beings fight for supremacy. But I tell you now; if one were to triumph or be defeated, the world would be cast into chaos. So we must be peacemakers, not conquerers. Our brothers the Serperior have all but been slaughtered: the Haxar, Windven, Trandal - all gone. The Wuji are all that remain. But they too have been devastated by the wrath of the Tao trio. Now stands their new chief, Raja." He indicated at Raja. A grumble of discontent murmured through the hall. "Quiet. Yes, he is young, but as tradition dictates, he must be first to speak because of creation order (OoC: PokéDex order)". Dashal knelt down in front of him. All the other Pokémon, stood up, bowed, at sat down again, waiting for him to speak.