"Not to cause trouble, but I did not cause it. I went here to watch it. Babyaga said she brought down the wrath. If you remember, I was here a while before it happened. Im not even sure if she had to the power to know it was coming, let alone lure it here. Now why don't quiet down your green tsutaja (however you spell it. Im not good with 5th gen.) butt down, before someone gets burnt!" As Fearig said this, his purple flames, turned black, almost like a black light, they caused shadows wherever they hit the ground, making everything that had color/light glow. You could see pure hatred in Fearig's eyes. "You may be the leader of your tribe, but if you can see, I no longer have a tribe! I am left out here, forced to make a living for evil, to buy the stupid exspensive berries nowadays! I haven't completely burned down your village, did I? No! The White one did! I am not here to cause problems! Now please, just stop complaining and trust me! Im not going to harm, unless you keep this up."Fearig began to stop glowing so much, but he still did not return to his fully normal self yet. He was glowing a tiny bit still. "Please stop hating me. Please. Please." Then, Fearig turned normal again, and looked his head down. He began to cry.