Finished Starter RPG IV - Chronicles of Unova (Started)

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"Stay calm, Raja. He is not here to quarrel with you." said Pyrex/Irolas. "I am Theredthil, or Irolas to my friends, for my strength is similar to the ancient king. I am a Ranger, one of the last warriors of Furgotor. But we are here for a reason other than to declare lineage. To defeat the Legendaries and end this war."
OoC: Wait, hang on. If Ronin is really Natas, then does that mean that after Ashka died, he found a new chick and then married her? All in the short time that Ashka has been dead?

Gosh. What a player.

Freya sighs in relief as Gladar handles the situation. She walks towards Gladar.
"Thanks. I wasn't too sure that I was going to be able to handle that myself."
"No, your name is Fearig, the fool who fell for the false Witch Queen's ploy!" a voice announced, coming from behind the Emboar. A winged Quilava appeared from behind Emboar, his glowing eyes looked at the group, "And I'm Leachim! Servant of the true Witch Queen!"
"How are you winged? Aren't Quilavas supposed to be ground only?" Scales asked, questioning Leachim. "And If you are a servant of the witch queen, I'm afraid that you have to DIE!" Scales Fired a lazor Hydro Pump at the Quilava.
Freya turns from Gladar, and looks to the Quilava as it is almost drowned by water. She diflects the shot by an Ember.
"STOP! Maybe we can get some information before attempting to kill him." She looks exasperated to the others "Just...chill okay?"
She looks at the Quilava.
"Hello. Nice eyes. Are you just going to try and kill or us, or make us kill eachother? Or are we about to hear something come from your mouth?"
OoC: How can a Hydro Pump be completely deflected by an Ember?
Amazed at what Freya can do, Scales backed down and glared at the Quilava, hoping it would answer correctly.
Leachim looked at Freya and smiled, "You're more rebellious than I had first imagined, Freya..." Leachim said to her, ignoring her question, "...I don't see why you help out with these fools, if you help me, we'll both get Ashka back!"

Ronin snarled and stood infront of Freya, "Babayaga is just using you! She can't bring back the dead!"

Leachim's smile faded, being replaced with a scowl, "I have heard enough!" the warrior summoned a lance and soared towards the group...
"Charge!" Scales proceeded to attack, avoiding as many hits as he can, while doing so, he made a Hydro Cannon launch at Leachim and then collapsed from exhaustion.
Bring back the dead... why does she kid herself?
Muddy watched the incident from the sky, way up in the clouds.
"Silly... silly Babayaga..." Muddy muttered to himself. Should he intervene? Ehh, probably not, unless things got really bad. He would watch and wait.
Pyrex drew his sword. "Shut up and listen to me! You cannot be here, Leachim. You existed far too long ago to still be alive..." Expecting confused faces, Pyrex continued. "Nearly four hundred years ago, another Pokèmon arrived. We weren't sure which type he was, but he told of a terrible war. Now, my great-great-great-great-grandfather listened to him, and heard of deeds that were great and terrible. Leachim featured in those tales, but that was four hundred years ago. No one lives that long."
"Except for the witches." Dious offered.
"Now then, anybody mind telling me what's happened since I passed out? I'd appreciate it."
OoC: Ick. I got ninja'd.

Freya froze at the notion of her sister's revival. Time seemed to slow down as the others attacked. Her logic tried to convince her that the monster was lying. But she wanted her sister to be back so badly. If there was anything she could do, she wanted to do it.

Leachim dodged the Hydro Cannon, but it lightly damaged his right wing, "She is the Witch Queen, Freya..." Leachim replied, loking at Ronin, "...Her powers are limitless..."

"Leachim, you are being fooled, Babayaga dosen't have that kind of power! Why would you even begin to believe that she'd do that?"

"...You..." Leachim pointed his lance at Ronin, "...You're the Mate of Babayaga!"
OoC: Gasp!

IC: "Freya, don't listen to a word he says! The witch queen can only destroy, she can't bring your sister back to life! They are just trying to coax you in! Dont listen to them!"
"Oh, how dramatic..." Muddy drawled as he floated back down to Earth. "And FYI Leachim, no one can raise the dead. Not me, not Arceus, not Giratina, and certainly not Babayaga. Besides, the witch queen is only a title: she is not queen and under no circumstances will she ever be."
Gladar frowned at Leachim. "Back to the shadows from whence you came, creature of darkness!"

Oblierno grabbed Leachim, and tossed him to the floor. He summoned up a bizarre arena of white-hot fire, and sent trails of piercing flame at him. "Speak now," growled the Emboar. "Tell us of the Witch Queen's plans, or you will be the one needing revival from the dead."

Leachim looked him in the eye defiantly, despite the terrible scorch marks on his back. "You are foolish, you who think you are so mighty. The Witch Queen will win, no matter what you try." And he vanished, with a snap of bright light. The fiery cage blazed on, with Oblierno with his fists clenched in rage.
(OoC: You just godmodded!)

Ronin stopped snarling and turned back to the group, feeling that he betrayed them a little. "...I apologise, I should've told you that I knew Babayaga on a level deeper than any one of you would've ever known her, but I didn't know what you would've thought of me if it got out..."
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