Finished Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (Over, Waiting for Confirmation on Part 4)

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RE: Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (the war has started)

Doom then moved off into the gloom and walked into a pizza bar. "I'll have a double pepperoni and an American Hot for me mates out there. We haven't got anything to do." After a couple of minutes the waiter came with the pizzas. "10 dollars please." Doom, without money, punched his lights out and took the pizzas outside.

He gave one to Norzy and went over to Ashla to give her some too.
RE: Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (the war has started)

Seare was tackled back by the Shadow Seare. He grabbed the Shadow around his chest and then kicked off the ground, flinging them both into the air. He beat his wings and lifted them up higher, then started slashing at The Shadow pokemon
RE: Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (the war has started)

"I'll help you Girtina."

Squit Charged at Arcues useing skull bash.
RE: Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (the war has started)

Neither Shadow Force or Skull Bash affected Arceus, who had all 17 plates in his possesion.
"Fools! With my plates I am invincible!"
RE: Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (the war has started)

OOC: Ok i want to start back in the RPG and I guess all the Legendaries are fighting. I need somone to clarify somthig. Are all the legendaries fighting each other or are they just trying to fight Arceus like in The Jewel of Life? Oh and my Characters name is Snow and he is a Piplup with a scare in the shape of butter fly wings on his back. Because of this he is completely white. I already have a Form filled out a couple (alot) of post back. I did this to save you the time trying to find it.

IC: Snow looked at all the chaos going on around sickned him inside. He knew it had to stop.
RE: Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (the war has started)

(OOC: Yes, I saw the form (and I thought I accepted it). Who's side is Snow on? They're all fighting each other for power.)
RE: Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (the war has started)

OOC: I'll pick a side in this post.

Snow looked to see that Palkia had only one ally.

"They can't just beat up on him like that! Hey Arceus and the rest of you that isn't fair...!!"

Snow started to run where towards palkia to help when a vortex opened up in front of him. He fell in invalluntarily. It felt as if he were only in this "thing" for just a split second but when he emrged from the other opening. He was right next to Palkia. Not even a Dodtrio could get here that fast.

"How is that possible.."

Snow thought,...he was too shocked to speak out loud...

OOC: Go team Palkia
RE: Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (the war has started)

"I'm not entirely too sure...Maybe we should ask for help."
She looks around, and goes for her only real option.

OoC: Wanna' take turns controlling Dialga? That way it is somewhat fair?
The giant legendary enters through a portal in front of both of the pokemon.
"Ah, so I haven't been left in the dust as I usually am..." He looks at his two followers. "Ashka, I am surprised you did not choose Arceus."

"I had a feeling he kicked me out of Heaven for a reason..."

OoC: Your turn Boddy, unless you don't want too...
RE: Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (the war has started)

(OOC: If you two are going to share Dialga, make sure you know what's going on with the other.)
RE: Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (the war has started)

Norzy went over, eating the pizza. "Dialga! I've never met you before but you look kinda impressive. Probably the giant head and body, you know?"
RE: Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (the war has started)

The Shadow-Seare snarled again, then tossed Seare off him, and threw him against a tree.
RE: Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (the war has started)

Seare hit the tree, but took the pain and rebunded. He needed to show Arceus that he was trustworthy, get in his good favor. How could he defeat something that was jut as good as him? What he had to do was use his God power against the shadow. He did some quick thinking and camee up with an idea. He let the metal slide off of his claws and black into a liquid. He quickly morphed the liquid into something clear and blue, water. He made an orb of it and then shot it into the air, making it rain down onto the Shadow Pokemon
RE: Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (the war has started)

It fell on the shadow Pokemon, then solidified. It could no longer be seen. Then cracks appeared round the block, and it began pulsing, its sides throbbing. Suddenly, it was sucked inwards, and the Shadow-Seare stood there once again.
RE: Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (the war has started)

Blu appeared infront of the Shadow Seare, in his hand was a shadowy leash connected to the Shadow pokemon. "Beautiful, Isn't he Seare? A true work of art, if I say so myself..."

Pan sneared at Blu, disgusted at what was once a wise and thoughtful pokemon. "What happened to you Blu? You used to be such a good pokemon, what happened?"

Blu waved his hand, almost dismissing Pan. "Hush hush, don't bore me with your unintellgant words...I'm just doing what is right...Now, attack my pet!" Blu yanked on the shadow leash, pointing at Seare, Pan and Pyro.
RE: Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (the war has started)

"Don't take away all the fun blu."Squit said.
"I'll take care of seare my self."
Squit then shot a hydro cannon covered in darkness at seare.
RE: Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (the war has started)

Giratina blasted shadows at Pan and Pyro, forming shadow copies of them too. Giratina grinned evilly.
RE: Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (the war has started)

Arceus roared in outrage. "You dare attack my followers!"
The roar increased in volume until it was unbearable. The shadows shattered and faded away.
RE: Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (the war has started)

Seare quickly kicked off the ground and flew into the air, dodging the Hydro Cannon by inches.
"You know Squit, I never did like you much. Now I think you may be in a bit over your head here in this fight, do you want to move along? I really don't want to be botherede with you right now"
RE: Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (the war has started)

"We must join the fight, Dialga. Them lot are all having fun while we sit eating pizza. I'm sure we could take 'em on, we have a god on our side."

"So have they," Doom pointed out.

OOC: PokabuLugia has told me (via real life) that I can use Doom now, so I will.

IC (Doom): Doom's gauntlets of power were ready. When he rook them off he was a normal Treecko. When he put them on he could do some stuff to do with time.
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