Help Starting PTCGO post 2017 rotation Playtesting group

IGN: GekkisaiDaiNi

Decks: Gardevoir, Metagross, Volcanion, Drampa Garb, Espeon Garb, Bulu/Volt, Rogue Aegislash deck :)
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I'd love to join.

IGN: nboss1

I play ninetales, gardy, ninja, whatever the meta calls for.
Hi, allow me to introduce myself! My name is Wes, I'm 20 and I live on Washington state. I've liked Pokémon since I was 4. I've been to a few state championships before, but have never done well. Mainly because I was using a deck I made up and not a meta deck. This past cycle I went to Washington State Champs and ran Decidueye/Plume. This was my first big tourney in 3 years and my first with a meta deck. I got 200th of 301. Some of my "achievements" include battling google Cawthon and nearly beating him. Also I've battled Jacob Van Wagner, but it was a friendly match. I'm really interested in making it to Worlds in '18 amd I hope this group and others will help me with my goal.

My IGN on PTGCO is Top-Trainer14. I haven't used it in awhile and I don't have a meta deck currently.
My IGN is SuttenPlant

I'm a pretty new player (going on 2 months) hoping to get some practice and actually compete in some bigger tournaments, and I'm running Alolan Ninetales!
So i'm not going to worlds this year, but I want to try to go next year so i want to increase my skill online. So I am starting a play testing group to try to get ready for next years formats in expanded and standard. If your interested comment your IGN. Mine is (Nrock32) so don't be surprised when a Nrock32 sends you a friend request. (comment decks you have).
Do you wanna make a post with everybodys names so that they are easy to find?
I'm down to get some testing in as well. Definitely want to see how my buddy Taps Koko plays against the current meta. My IGN is the same as my username here: tiffuts. I usually play around 9-Midnight PST.
I'm doing the same! Would love to join in the fun :) My ign is doubleb036

My main deck is Bulu/Vikavolt since I'm building it in real life and trying out post rotation world variants of Gardevoir GX, Golispod/Garbodor and a little Turbo Darkrai too.
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Sorry for the double post, but I'm looking for some Golisopod-GX decks. It is what I'm currently running and I want to find a way to counter opposing Golisopod.
Sounds cool! Username: whisperingmind
And maybe it would be cool to have a discord group so we could discuss decks etc.
You can challenge me anytime. IGN: Laurier_ex

I would like to do a best of 3 or best of 5 if that is ok with you. Being able to know how you would adapt after a few games against my deck would bring me more data.
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