Hi, allow me to introduce myself! My name is Wes, I'm 20 and I live on Washington state. I've liked Pokémon since I was 4. I've been to a few state championships before, but have never done well. Mainly because I was using a deck I made up and not a meta deck. This past cycle I went to Washington State Champs and ran Decidueye/Plume. This was my first big tourney in 3 years and my first with a meta deck. I got 200th of 301. Some of my "achievements" include battling google Cawthon and nearly beating him. Also I've battled Jacob Van Wagner, but it was a friendly match. I'm really interested in making it to Worlds in '18 amd I hope this group and others will help me with my goal.
My IGN on PTGCO is Top-Trainer14. I haven't used it in awhile and I don't have a meta deck currently.