Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

"gah i can't remember what my first class is over that sound" Mack cleans his ears.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

Wes listened. "It's nice. Anyway, I'm going to Math, see you guys later."
He left the room and headed to the Math class.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"Math time! Matherific! Math rules! " Troy says in Math excitment. "Later."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

*10 minutes later*
Wes is sitting at his desk in Math, waiting for the Math teacher.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Mack runs through the door and sits in a empty desk hoping the teacher isn't here yet to see he's late.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Troy comes in a few minutes after Wes. "Don't you just love Math?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"This class is already boring"
*makes paper airplane and throws it at Troy*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"ya i know roan" Throws a text book at troy.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"Very boring. But my parents said I have to pass everything, otherwise I'm outta here, so..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

The airplane hits Troy. "Ow. I will get you back Roan!"

"Why does everyone hurt me? Idiots." says Troy.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"where's the teacher?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"math dang i'm going to be late"

*goes there and sits at a desk*

"really boring when will it start"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

*makes a paper gun*

"this will hurt if you get hit it uses giant spit balls muwhahahahahhhaa"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

" i threw the textbook troy" props feet up on desk and leans back in chair.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"I tought goths were supossed to be secluded and quiet." says Troy.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"you talking to me i am a goth but it doesn't matter i do both "
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