Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

"Interested? I'm only 12 years 132 day 13 hours 47 minutes and-*looks at watch* 15 seconds old? How could I have even hit the hormonal stage yet. No, that's an 8th grade thing!"
*walks inside a building*
"So the first room for us into is Technology..."
*walks into a room with a bunch of gadgets laying around*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

Drake sees the "DO NOT TOUCH" notes
Must...Resist...Touching...It's so tempting...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

Shoyru1444 said:
"Yokokina Tour Guide Form"

Name: Sarah
Gender: Female
Region you lived in: Jotoh, moved to Sinnoh
Personality: Quirky, enjoys messing with boys. She loves a good laugh and is very loyal to her good friends. However, she does crack a lot of jokes.
Special Skills: Can stretch very far, also is gifted at Karate.
Extra Curricular Class(Pick Three from the earlier letter): Karate, Pokemon Battling, Technology.
Appearance(A link or a really, really, good description please): Short blonde hair, very skinny, on the 1-5 "curves to play the perves" being 5 scale is a 3, wears skinny jeans and a white tee shirt. She wears regular shoes and an orange hat on her head.
Background: Orange flower with a white/black spiral going around it.

Your excepted if you understand that by background, I meant what your character went through before being a student at the academy. ONce you fix that your in. You can enter when we are moving in, as my characters roomate.

IC: *blushes at Wes's remark*
"Moving on! Um any other extra-curriculars I missed?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

Mack touches one and it brakes "....was that important....?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

Yokokina Tour Guide Form:"

Name: Roan
Gender: Male
Region you lived in: Johto
Personality:An outspoken person not affraid to voice his oppinion on someone or something. He is smart, but often tries to hide it from others
Special Skills: Good at science and a very good drawer
Extra Curricular Class(Pick Three from the earlier letter): Drawing 101, Pokemon Battling 101, Spanish
Appearance(A link or a really, really, good description please): He is short, has long blue hair with shaggy bangs and the back tied in a pony tail, he has a small silver ring in his left ear, and is wearing a black jacket and ripped blue jeans
Background(NOT OPTIONAL!): He grew up in Olivine City with his mom, dad, and older sister. They were a wealthy family and his dad was a sailor.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

"Lets hope not."
*looks at watch*
"Well, your train should be here to take you home in fifteen minutes. Tomorrow, I will come with the movers and moving trucks to help you all move in at 6 am sharp, okay?"
*starts leading them back to the main entrance*
OOC:"Pause" (post only once afte rthis post until I post again)
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

As leaving the main entrance Mack thinks of his family and his poke egg's he will help on tonite, excited for tomoro. Before leaving all together he takes one look at everyone "Bye mates!" and get's on the train.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

OOC: Thank you for that Pause. Brb having lunch.

IC: "Cool." Wes got on the train.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

*gets on the train well thats over with*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

"PEACE!" Drake gets on the train
I'll tell him tomorrow...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

IC: *its six in the morning, and Kina and the movers stop by Wes's house and honk the horn*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

"time to get up hey mom whats for breakfast get something before you live whatever"
*goes to the min mart and gets a chicken sandwitch ok now i wait *
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

Wes woke up to a loud honk. He swore to himself and quickly got dressed. He had packed last night, but forgot to set his alarm.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

Wes opened the door and sees Kina.
"Hi. One second let me get my stuff."
Wes sprinted back upstairs to get his stuff.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

"Come on guys!"
*sends the movers in to help him move his stuff*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

*fast forward 20 minutes*
"OK, I think that's everything. Thanks."
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