Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

"I'm in Pokemon Battling, Technology, and Soccer."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

"No, it is not too late. What were you in and what would like like to change too?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

" they were Karate, football, tennis, but i want to be in pokemon chooridinating 101, pokemon battling 101, and technology now."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

"Alrighty then, I will update your student form.
Well, the closest extra-curricular is Pokemon Battling 101. Follow me."
*Walks towards this giant stadium*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

"The Tour Guide said the day when Pokemon Training 101 begi-WOAH THAT IS A HUGE STADIUM!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

"they don't have a indoor movie theatre" Mack smirks
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

"Um...I'm really not too sure, I have always been able to find what I wanted around here...Anyways, here in this stadium is where Proffesor Lucas will teach you how to Pokemon Battle at your best! Now, lets head over to the Pokemon Coordinating Building!"

RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

"You never know, Mack...You never know..." Drake grinned an evil grin
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

"isn't he gay" Mack say's with concern
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

"Actually we do have an indoor theater in the Teachers Lounge...Anyways, here is our Pokemon Contest Building for Pokemon Coordinating 101!"
*points to the 3rd largest contest building in history*
"There are different Building for every level of coordinating you get at. This is the Beginner building, then there is a Experienced building, and a Pro building. Now, it's off to the Extra-Curricular Building."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

Wes laughed. "Are you interested in him?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

"Yokokina Tour Guide Form"

Name: Sarah
Gender: Female
Region you lived in: Jotoh, moved to Sinnoh
Personality: Quirky, enjoys messing with boys. She loves a good laugh and is very loyal to her good friends. However, she does crack a lot of jokes.
Special Skills: Can stretch very far, also is gifted at Karate.
Extra Curricular Class(Pick Three from the earlier letter): Karate, Pokemon Battling, Technology.
Appearance(A link or a really, really, good description please): Short blonde hair, very skinny, on the 1-5 "curves to play the perves" being 5 scale is a 3, wears skinny jeans and a white tee shirt. She wears regular shoes and an orange hat on her head.
Background: Orange flower with a white/black spiral going around it.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Need Registrations!

"i guess i was wrong drake, and wes mate i got my eye on one person" winks at wes
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