Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Oh, yes, hi hi hi! Who are you ladies! You sellin' something?"

"No, grandpa," said Chris, "They're my friends. This is Serenity, and this is Nor-, Nana."

"Hmm... you his girlfriends?" said the Energetic Old Man.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Not both of us, only her."
Nana points at Serenity.

Serenity blushes
"That seems to be the case..."

"Anyways, your graqndson has something to show you."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Grandpa! They're not my girlfriends! Gah, anyway. Look what I got." said Chris.

Chris reaches into his sack, and takes out the Togepi egg.

"Oh, yah! You gots me some dinner! I like you kid, even if you do have two girlfriends! I won't tell them."

The Energetic Old Man snatched away the Egg.

"Grandpa! They're not my girlfriends! And that's a Pokemon Egg!" Chris takes the Egg back.

"Well, why didn't you say so? It's kinda cute. Anyways, I'm going to take a nap! Bye!"

The Energetic Old Man pushes them out of his house, and slams the door.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Ok, sure. Let's go, I don't know what my Grandpa's deal is."

Chris follows behind Nana.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Good. Once we heal our pokemon, I going to eat, I am hungry."
"Me to, are you hungry Chris?"

"I asked how your hour went."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Yeah, I guess I am kind of hungry. We could find a restaurant."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"You were shopping for an hour while I was asleep, how did it go?"

Nana and Serenity start walking towards the Pokemon Center.

RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Nana? Are you going to come and eat with us?" asked Chris as he was about to head out.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Umm, let's change the subject...", Lupus sighed, he took longer than he thought finding clothes...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Here, hand me your pokemon."
She hands Nana her pokemon
"I'm going to stop by the Pokemon Center for you guys, okay?"

"Okay then, you ready to head for the cafe?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy


Chris hands over Beck and Bella's Poke Balls.

"We'll meet you at the restaurant, ok?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Mine was kinda boring. For a city, this place is pretty small"
Roan walked into the cafe with Lupus and Nana. He was starving
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

She tucks the clothes in her bag.
"Let's go to the cafe."

"Yes, no problem."
She takes the pokeballs and goes to the pokemon center.
"How may I help you?"
"I would like to have these pokemon healed, and I would like 2 rooms, please."
"Alrighty then, here are the keys, and your pokemon should completely healed in an hour!"
She walks upstairs to the two rooms.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris walks with Serenity to find a restaurant.

"So... what, um, food, do you like?"
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