Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Lupus sat down and laid back, he was tired from the walking, and drained from having to walk through a Max Repel...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Well, I'm not allergic to anything, but I do love pretty much any food. We didn't have many choices besides soup in Snowpoint."

Angry Nana sits herself beside Lupis as the waitress walks to them.
"What would you like to drink?"
"I would like a glass of ice water."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Ha! Soup, that's funny! Anyways, I think there's a small Deli around the corner."

Chris starts to speed up.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I'll have an apple juice please"
Roan fiddled with his silverware
"So whats our plan, Nana? Are we going to search the city, or move on?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Yes, I'll come back when are ready to order, here are your menus."
She leaves.

"Well, Nana is going to tell me and the other Nana's what's going on and what they found out. After that, I suppose we should get some rest for the travelling tomorrow."

"Okay, I hope Nana isn't to hungry."

Nana opens the door and see's a black feather on the ground of her and Serenity's room.
They were here...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris enters the restaurant, and notices something.

"Great. It's just a McDonalds. Do you want to eat somewhere else, Serenity? There should be a Seafood Place around here. Do you wanna go look?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Yes, I do. Let's just say McDonalds isn't exactly my favorite..."
She waits for Chris to lead the way.

Nana finally does what she has been wanting to do since Kina dissapeared. Nana starts to cry.
I managed to make her suffer again...
How could I do that to her?!
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris leads Serenity down several alleyways, until Chris smells something fishy.

"I smell something fishy. There must be a Seafood place near."

It doesn't take long for them to find a fancy Corphish restaurant.

"How about Corphish?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"That sounds great!"
Serenity starts to head for the resturant.

Are you alright?
I can't believe this happened. 12 years ago, the exact same thing happened. How could I let that happen again?!
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Lupus sighed, he looked around the resturaunt and took in the details, nooks and crannies, anything...
"It hurts y'know."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"What do you mean it hurts?"
She get's a confused look on her face.

Sorry, I have a party to host this Saturday, need to clean the house up.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris walks up to the counter.

"Umm... two please?"

"Aren't you two a little young to be ordering food here?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Everytime I transform, it hurts so much...", Lupus looked at the cafe floor, "...All my bones snap and break again and again..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Please, just let us eat..."

"Here are your drinks, do you know what you want to eat?"

Nana wipes her tears from her face and cleans herself up. She starts heading for the resturant.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Sorry, kids. I'm legally not allowed to sell food in this restaurant to minors unless you're accompanied by an adult or someone over 21. We sell alcohol here. But, there's a McDonald's over on the other side of town."

"Serenity, do you think we should wait for Nana?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I don't think we have to wait..."
Serenity points to Nana entering the building. She looks different though, she looks older.

"Hello, I am these kid's mother. May we please order?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Lupus sighed, he was wondering what Mad Nana thought of him, after seeing his Absol Form...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Erm...we aren't ready to order yet."
She leaves the table

"You aren't upset about the Absol thing, are you?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Oh, of course, ma'am, let me find you a seat."

The waiter grabbed three Menus, and placed them in a booth.

"Can I start you off with something to drink?"

"Can I please get a Soda? Dr. Pepper?" asked Chris, politely
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