Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Okay, also(while you were gone), I introduced some new rules to the game.

1. Your post must be at least 2 lines long.
2. No using "*action*" to post what your character does.

"How about you Shane?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

otai mayne??? and watvhes?

"Yeah sure! Come on Scyther lets go! But Nana, got a spare pokeball?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

i met otai mayne and watvhes was an accident.

Mack tosses shane one.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I do, but apparently Mack had one before I did."


Sorry guys, chridude, I edited it so that you could do your battle
RE: Stewart Hall Academy


"Okay, we can do this Scyther... Use Fury Swipes."
Scyther charges forward and slashes at the Ziggzagoon sending him tumbling back.
"I may be new at this but I don't want the little guy to much..."
Shane tosses the pokeball and successfully captures the Ziggzagoon.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

lol sorry my computor is bugy i didn't see your post before mine >.<

Mack starts to sit down.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Nice job, now we are literally only a few minutes away. Mack, you need to get up."
She starts walking down the trail again.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

15 minutes of walking later...

"Okay, were here. I'll take your pokemon to the pokemon center while you guys look for a resturant."

RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Mack hands smart nana 5 pokeballs and starts walking down a verry old street.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Shane tosses Smart Nana his two pokeballs.
Shane then turns to walk down a different street and spots a sign for a Seafood Restaurant.
"Hmm they say they have fresh Tentacruel in stock. Maybe we should go here..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Yeah, I'll just have a ham sandwich. No mustard, please. So, Lupus, do you not remember what happens while you are in Absol form?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"No, it's more like a vivid nightmare, I can barely remember much of it...", Lupus looked down at the table...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: Hey guys im back again i guess i hate not bein here but were i have school and lots of demanding teachers its hard i would do a roleplay line but i realy dont know if were in the restraunt or the pokecenter rooms....*sigh* here is an exerpt from Serenity's Diary.(this is good for Aggie and me because it will help us understand Serenity more lol.You could also use this as a convo starter or somthing...
{Dear Diary,
Today me and Grandma went to the big Ice rock. She says that this is a big treasure to both people and pokemon, because pokemon have to come here to evolve. I think i evolved that day too. I met this guy...his name was Willow. He knew everything about that rock and other stuff too. He said if I wanted to meet him again ,to meet at the temple. He said he wanted to take me somwere...opps I can here my sister bye diary...
(also this all happened before She went to Stewart Hall and i need approval from Aggie if i can post another. Or i could make another thread with it and you guys can read the ones i post everyday..but again this was in the past.)
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

That should probably be something you PM to me. That way the other players can be surprised by your characters actions.

Smart Nana heads for the Pokemon Center.

"What do you remember?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

The Waiter comes back with the drinks, "Have you guys had enough time to look over your menus?

"Well, I'm ready to order, are you guys ready?" asked Chris
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