Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Yah, well, good thing it only comes once a month...heheh..."
Angry Nana starts to tap the table with her fingers.

"Here you are guys!"
The waitress hands them three plates with thier meals on it along with drinks. After the thank you's, she leaves.

"Yes, I'm ready, how about you Na-I mean Mom?"
"Yes, I will have the Shrimp Deli Special."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Ok, I'd like the Corphish Platter, please."

"Yes, and for the young lady?" said the Waiter, pointing at Serenity.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Ok, great, I'll just take your Menus, and I'll be out with those shortly." said the Waiter.

He grabbed the Menus, and went back to the kitchen.

"Nana, are we going to search the entire Johto region?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Either that, or until one of us or the other teams find them and Kina. If they find them, we have to get thier immediatly."
" just turn under full moons, right?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Ok. Do you still have our Pokemon? I'd prefer to feed them, if they're hungry."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Lupus sighed, "I transform every full moon, yes, but...To make sure I survive the next transformation my body enters Absol Form two nights early..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Let me guess...
this is the first night?"

"They are at the pokemon center, it'll be about 15 minutes before they are completly healed."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Yes...The real transformation will be much worse, and we only have two nights to prepare..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

She almost chokes on her sandwhich...but keeps on chewing.
I barely survived the first night!
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

^More than one line, please.

"Yah, I'm fine, why do you ask."
I hope that scar hiding spell is working...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Yah, well, talking while eating probably makes t harder to swallow."
She finally finishes the sandwich.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Nana, I... I'm.. I'm scared. I think that we're way over our heads. We're just 11 year olds, we couldn't possibly fight off Black Men who are also ninja's! I don't even know what they look like."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"...Mad Nana, did I hurt you badly?", Lupus asked out of the blue...
Lupus tapped his foot, his head resting on his hand...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Trust me....
They won't defeat us again...

"We'll do fine, no worries. Chances are it will take years to find them anyways."

RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Lupus looked at her, he wasn't going to belive for a second that she was spared from wounds...
"Mad Nana, I remembered attacking you..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

She gives up and releases the spell to reveal 3 straight scars going across her face.
"Don't worry, it's no big deal..."
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