Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Hmm.. well, I think we have to go north. That's to Violet City. I hear that there's a Gym there. Maybe we could see if the Black Men are there."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Serenity looks at her half eaten Corphish...."Oh a Gym.....Uhm...Guys im gonna head back to the Center, but dont hurry though im just tired..." Serenity Realy wasnt that tired she just wanted to go outside and and look at the stars....She wanted to just go..this was the first time she thought of "him" since she had left to go to Stewart Hall..
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Okay, take this though."
Nana hands her a chip.
"Take with you whenever we are seperated."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Serenity went walking down a trail and sat next to a tree...she laid her head down on the tree...a tear fell down her face...."I can't do this...not now....I have to stay strong..." Serenity looked up at the sky and seen a constellation of stars that looked like an Eevee...(She laughs at her thoughts...)
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris continued to gobble down his food.

Once he finished, he said, "Should we go back to the Pokemon Center?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Sorry I was gone. I just got my new puppy so I was too busy. sorry.

Shane looked up at the stars one last time before he went into the pokemon center.
"Why can't I just be at the school sleeping right now? I know its for Kina, but shouldn't the cops be handling this?"
Shane looked around in the pokemon center for Smart Nana.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Mack stays outside leaning on the poke center looking at a nearby stream. He skips rocks perpetually.
something needs to be done about that Shane....
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Shane spots Smart Nana and walks over to her.
"Hey, I found a seafood place, if you still want to eat."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Lupus smiled peacefully in his sleep, he was having a dream...
His dream soon became a nightmare and he woke with a start!
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Roan, who is a light sleeper, heard Lupus gasp and his heavy breathing and woke up too
"Whats the matter? Are you changing?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Yah...we should. Are you almost done?"
"Not terribly, I just need to take a call from Mad Nana. Where is Mack?"
Well...if she isn't going to call me, I'll just talk to her with thoughts...
Have you occured any injuries so far?

It's okay, but I had the game paused, yah know?

Okay, I am going to be gone for a while, after today.
I am going to my dad's house, and he can't pay for internet.
He's probably going to drop me off on Wednesday, and I start school on Thursday. After today, I will no longer be as active. Take this day, as if it were your last.

RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"No...It was just a bad dream, nothing more..."
Lupus put a hand to his head to check his temperature...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Yah, come on, Nana." As Chris walks out of the Restaurant, suddenly something drops on him. It's white and gooey. He slathers it off of his shoulder, sniffs it, and says, "Pidgey droppings."

He looks up, and on a wire, is the same Pidgey.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I think this time you will have enough rage to get revenge."
She stands to the side, waiting for the battle.
"Wait, your pokemon are at the PokeCenter, aren't they?"
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