Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I don't need my Pokemon." said Chris gathering up a bunch of rocks.

"Go get my pokemon, and I'll throw rocks at the Pidgey, and also, get me a towel or something."

Chris picks up a rock, and chucks it up at the Pidgey, which misses.

"Darn it!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Okay. take this."
She tosses him a similar chip that she handed to Serenity. She starts to run to the Pokemon Center.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris puts the chip in his ear, and continues to throw rocks at the Pidgey.

"You think you're smart, don't ya?" said Chris, angrily.

One of the rocks hit, and sends Pidgey spiralling down.

"Yes!" However, upon closer examination, something is wrong with the Pidgey.

Chris looks down at it, and says, "Oh no."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

She picks up his pokemon and starts walking back. She sees Serenity sitting down, but instead keeps on walking towards Chris. She reaches the area where Chris is.
"What did you do to it?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris looks up with tears in his eyes. "I think... I broke it's wing with the rock."

Chris looks down, and sees the Pidgey trying to fly, but... it can't.

Chris starts to sob, "We need to get to the Pokemon Center NOW!"

Chris picks up the Pidgey and dashes to the Pokemon Center.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"This Pidgey... it's wing is broken. Please tell me if you can fix it Nurse Joy!! Please!!"

Tears began to flow from his eyes constantly.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

She takes the Pidgey immediately.
"We have many cases like this, don't worry. It should be about 6 weeks before she's ready for the pokeball, if you are worried about that."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I... uh.... I want it. For the Poke ball."

Chris suddenly lost his sad red color, and slumped backwards onto a chair. He finished sobbing into his hands.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Nana. When I saw that Pidgey, on the ground with it's wing bent... I lost control. I could have sworn I saw myself in its face."

Chris looked up to the ceiling. "Can you keep a secret?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I am a ninja that can split into seven different personalities and read minds. What secrets can I not keep. But, yes, I can."
She waits for his reply.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Nana, I'm... a foster child. I have no real family. I was told that I was abandoned out in the street one night after my "parents" went out for a night of partying and drinking. I don't even know who my real parents are. I don't have any real brothers. Any sisters. Nothing. All my life, I've been through one family to the next. None of them actually wanted to keep me. I was too shy and smart, and I guess they only wanted the cute dumb ones. I don't think I've ever actually stayed in a family for longer than 7 months."

Chris caught his breath.

"The family I'm staying with right now say they love me, but I know it isn't true. Once this year is over, and I go back home, they'll probably bring me right back to the orphanage. When I saw that Pidgey, I was heartbroken, that... I might have had to abandon that Pidgey, just like the way my parents abandoned me. I vowed once I got my first pokemon that I wasn't going to be a selfish trainer. I wanted to catch every pokemon I could find, so that they wouldn't be abandoned like me."

"If I could save any one pokemon, I know my purpose would have been filled, because right now. I'm the Pidgey with the broken wing."

Chris looks up, and over at Nana, to hear her response.

OoC: Phew, long backstory.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Ouch...I...I am so sorry. could always stay at Stewart Hall, right? We let kids stay for the summer all the time."
Maybe this would be a good time to tell them...
No! We can't! If we tell them that information, they may never trust us again!

RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Just as I get on...

Shane looks up as Smart Nana seems like she has other matters on her mind.
"He's outside... Should I get him?..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

She slowly breaks from the mental connection.
"Yes, we need to be together, not seperated."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Lupus tried to sleep, but every time he closed his eyes he saw that last second of the nightmare...
Lupus stayed wide awake for a while, daring not to shut his eyes...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I don't know. I don't think they'd pay for me, but rather they'd just dump me right back. Why pay for something you don't love, right?"
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