Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"No, with you it's different. Your uncle is the Dean, he probably pays for your tuition or something. The only reason my parents sent me to the Academy was so that they could talk to the orphanage, and get them to take me back. By this time next year, I might be somewhere in Hoenn."

Chris looked down.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Actually, it's not like that...really. In fact...I think it's about time I told you something. But you need to keep it a secret."
What are you doing?!
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"You have a secret too? I thought you were just a Ninja. Then again, everybody has some secret, like me."

He looks up. "So, what is this secret?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"When...when I was twelve years old, I finally mastered the art of turning into seven. In our tribes ritual, it was essential that I protected the prophecy child, Kina. Kina was just an infant then."
All of our trust is going to be lost due to you!
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Ok... I know that, you told me already."

"Is there something more?" said Chris interestingly.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"So, when I was gaurding the tent holding Kina and her parents, the Black Men attacked. I was easily defeated, and I only escaped with Kina.
Now, that I have ruined her life, I have to stay in this youth until I find her parents. You see? I'm supposed to be 24 years old."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Nana... I... don't know what to say."

Chris looked at Nana. "Don't say that. Don't say that you ruined her life. That's not true."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Ha! Your too sweet Chris. I totally ruined it! Now that I broke the prophecy, I couldn't warn her about the Black Men! I couldn't tell her that she is one of the most important children on Earth! I couldn't even tell her that she was part of the tribe!"
She looks Chris straight in the eye.
"The Black Men are going to ask her about the Prophecy. When they realize she knows nothing, they will kill her, and her parents. She is going to die because of me."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Woah, woah, woah, hold on. Prophecy? What's that? Nana, is there something else you're not telling me?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Oh, just a bad dream, ok. Glad.. that you weren't... "
Roan fell back asleep before finishing his sentence
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Agh! She ditched me!"
She sits on the ground and watches Lupis and Roan sleep.

"That...I will never tell. It's a secret of the tribe. I just...I needed for someone to know, and it looks like you can keep a secret. Okay?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Fine... I'll keep your secret. Just... don't beat yourself up over that, Nana. You tried to protect Kina, right?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Lupus gets up and searches for something to drink, he wasn't getting any sleep due to his nightmare...
"Um, Mad Nana, do you know where I can find a drink?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Tried...and barely escaped are completely different."
She walks into the hallway where the rooms are kept.

She hands him a water bottle.
"Why haven't you changed yet? It's almost 11:00."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris grabs his Poke Balls, and heads out.

While walking, he sees Serenity sitting on a bench.

"Uh-oh, can't let her see me, I still look I was crying."

Chris ducks away, and heads down to the Pier. He takes out Bella and Beck.

"Ok, guys. Time for some more training!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

She looks out the window and smiles to see Chris training.
That wasn't so bad...
It will be...

RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I change at Midnight, 1 hour to go...", Lupus sighed, "...Look away Mad Nana..."
Lupus got up and started to take his shirt off...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

She shifts her position so that she is looking away.
I have to defend myself...but not hurt him...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Shane walks outside to see Mack by the stream and walks down.
"Come on, Nana's waiting for us."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

She finishes collecting data and sits down in the room.
"Oh dear god. I thought I would never get complete with that."
How could Normal Nana betray me...herself like that?!
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