Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Sure...Sorry if i made you worry i just needed to get out..."Serenity looks at the celing as there walking to the room counting the tiles....(She had once again forgotten.."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Lupus finished undressing and climbed out of the window, he went to find a spot to transform...
later, a large howl echoes around the town...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Roan bolts up in bed. He heard the howls echoing through the streets. He looks over and sees Lupus gone and the window open. Roan gets up and locks the window taking a long look outside searching for any sign of the absol. He then got back in bed, but couldnt sleep. He kept his eyes glued to the window
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Get yourself ready. Put on some protective gear. I'll go outside. I need to keep him outside of the city, that way, we won't get arrested."
She walks outside

RE: Stewart Hall Academy

A dark shape moved siletly through the city, the Absol was hunting...
A Ratata, abandoned by his trainer, rummaged through the garbage, a shadow loomed over the Ratata...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

I don't need to protect that...
Stand still Mad Nana...

For now anyways...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Serenity wakes up and gets ready. She looks over out the window and sees that its a sunny morning. She get her chip and her gear.."Lets go guys.." she says lookin at her pokeballs. She wanted to train them since they havent properly been out since Snowpoint.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

She looks at Nana and says"Sure hurry and get ready though(laughs)we can leave Chris."Serenity looks at the three pokeballs that she had aquired already....she starts getting pumped....
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: Poor Ice_Master.
Your last signature was so much better.

"Yah, let me install the chip really quick."
She puts the chip in Chris's ear.
"Okay, are you ready to go?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC:Shh dont say nuttin but I was expecting a much better sig... :( im actauly sad about it but didnt want to hurt no1s feelings...
IC: "Sure lets go...." she looks down at her pokeballs.."Yeah im ready...."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Ice_Master said:
OOC:Shh don't say nuttin but I was expecting a much better sig... :( im actauly sad about it but didnt want to hurt no1s feelings...

I'm addicted to post that in my signature...

IC: "Okay."
They walk outside to the garden. Nana sends out Eevee
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

She looks at her pokeballs and sends Altaria...."Ok I remember you...Tiaria use sing" Tiaria Spins and starts to sing..."Ok lets see if this works...."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Roan gets dress, grabs his pokeballs, and heads out to meet Mad Nana. He found her watching the Absol attack something. He silently walked up to her, so as not to alert the Absol
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

The Eevee alls asleep.
"Aw man...this is going to be harder than I thought."

I'm going to have to talk in your mind for a few minutes.
Sorry, I just don't want to alert Lupus....
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"OK Taria spin and use peck...."
The Altaria rages twardes Eevee spining like a top..
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Roan was surprised at first, but remembered Nana reads minds.
ok... She's in your head Roan, don't think anything mean... Wait she probably heard that, or read it, or something. Think about something else.. Pink elephants pink elephants... Nothing about Mad Nana, nothing mean... Hey Nana, how long are we gonna be watching him?
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Come on..wake up!"
The eevee is still asleep.

We will keep watching until he starts to attack something important.
We need to stop him.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC: Does that mean the Peck hits???
"Come on Altaria while Eevee is still asleep!"
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