Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Ok, guys, that's enough training, we should head back."

Chris decides to have his Pokemon walk with him, and he returns back to the Pokemon Center.

He stops at the desk. "Joy? Is the Pidgey all better?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"We put the cast on, but it's going to be many weeks before she will be completely healed. You will have to walk with her outside o the pokeball until she's healed."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Ok... when can I take her with me? Soon? Because... I don't know how long we're going to stay here in Cherrygrove City."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris picks up the Pidgey, and puts it on his shoulder.

"Thanks Nurse Joy. I'll take-"

The Pidgey starts to Peck Chris's head.

"Ow! Ow!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I guess you could say that. Well, I'm going to head up to my room, thanks."

Chris goes up the stairs.

"So... Pidgey, would you mind if I gave you a new name?"

The Pidgey said nothing.

"Great, how about.... Aera, Flyia, Aerith?"

The Pidgey growled.

"I guess you don't like those names. I'll pick one for you later."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OoC: Yes. I did. lol

IC: Chris suddenly got stern. "It's not just a bird. It has a name. I decided to name it... Sky."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Sky sees an open window, and starts to fly towards it, but because of it's broken wing, it stops at the bed.

"I don't know. I hope it'll warm up to me. How's my egg?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Hasn't hatched yet. It will take awhile...You might want to shut the window before Sky falls from his name."
She walks up and closes the window for him instead.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Ok, thanks, Nana."

Chris picks up the egg, and begins to cradle it. He looks at Sky.

"Go make friends with Beck and Bella." He pointed at them.

Sky walks over, and stands next to them.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris looks out of the window.

"You know, Serenity's been gone for a long time. What do you think happened to her?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Serenity wakes up and she notices she has been asleep for a while...."ohhh..I should head back..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Hey there...woah."
She notices Serenity's serious bedhead from sleeping outside.
"Um...were you tired?"
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