Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"You got it"
Roan got ready for the attack, and Cubone and Shellder kept their sights on the Absol, prepared to strike as soon as Roan gave the command
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Boddy903 said:
OoC: You're naughty ^o^

You shouldn't say that to somone with a perverted mind like mine...
It make creepy thoughts...

"Well, I installed a chip in your ear if we ever needed you, we were just getting ready to heal our pokemon and get some breakfast. Do you want to join us?"

She held her self back, slowly sneaking around Lupis while the Absol was distracted.
Please don't hear me...
Please don't hear me...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

aggiegwyn said:
OOC: I worry about your mental health, Boddy. -_-

OoC: To you the same, aggiegwyn. :p

IC: "Sure, I'm hungry. I bet my pokemon are starving as well, just let me go get my egg and Sky."

Chris runs back to his room.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OoC: Actually, it's from The Pokémon Project: Gen. 1 - Uprising

IC: Chris gets back into the room, and sees that Sky is sleeping.

"Ok, Sky, wake up!" said Chris. He shook the bird, and it slowly woke up, and attacked Chris with Peck.

"OOOW!" Chris put it on his finger, and went out with the Egg.

"This is going to be hard keeping you." said Chris.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OoC: Why do you need to bring that up....?

She hears Chris's screams and immedately runs up there.
"Is something wrong?!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OoC: Idk, just felt appropriate.

IC: Chris is shocked at Nana, and let's go of Sky.

It starts to run away.

"Nana! Quick! After it!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OoC: Yah...

She immediately jumps out of the window and grabs Sky. She manages to wiegh the bird down without harming it, and holds it to the ground.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris runs out.

"Nana, STOP!!" Chris tackles Nana.

"Nana! What are you doing!! You heard Nurse Joy! She's not ready for a Poke ball!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Careful, she's not hurt! You need to find a way to contain that thing or something!"
She gets off the bird.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"What? What do you mean she's not hurt?"

Chris slowly gets up, and puts the Egg in his bag.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"I just pulled her down without causing her further harm. She's as fine as she was before she made a jump for it."
She stands above Chris, ready to help him up.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris grabs Nana's arm.

"Sorry. I guess I got.. carried away."

Chris picks up Sky.

"So, should we get going?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Yah, I guess so, jumping out of two-story windows isn't the greatest image we can learn."
She walks back inside the pokemon center.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Chris follows behind, a bit shaken up.

"So... where should we go for breakfast?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

She handed her pokemon to the nurse.
"Maybe that pancake place down the street?"

RE: Stewart Hall Academy

The Absol sliced his head blade in the air and a wave of psychic energy approached Roan at high speed...
After that, The Absol waited for the right moment to...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

She dives in front of Roan to block the attack with her sword.
Come on already!
Show me what you can REALLY do!

RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Umm... sure. I guess pancakes sound good right about now. Where's Serenity?"
Chris picked up the sling, and continued to follow Nana back.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"She's probably at the Pokemon Center right now."
She walks inside.
"There she is."
She points to Serenity, sitting at one of the tables.

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