Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

"Hey Nana there is the breakfeast shop lets go!!" Serenity runs twards the shop..
Serenity thinks to herself "Wonder what it is going to be like from now on..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

"Hey yall! Welcome to Tarry's PAncake Palace! I'm Tammy, and Tarry's my gran. Table for three?"
"Yes please."
She starts to lead you all towards a table.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

"Yeah I need a good rest too. But we should probably move on to Pewter soon."
Roan returned his pokemon back their pokeballs and put them in his pockets.
"Lets go back to the Pokemon Center for now"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

She carries Lupus to thier room, and puts him on her bed, and lays on the floor. Within seconds she's asleep.
You're hurt, aren't you?
How could you tell?
Bacause, I have a chest pain that is killing me right now for no apparent reason. It's interfering with me eating pancakes.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

OoC: Lol interfering with her pancake eating xD

IC: Roan didn't go straight to the room, but stopped by the counter and asked Nurse Joy to heal his pokemon for him. He handed the pokeballs and then went and climbed in bed and was asleep in seconds
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

What happened? And don't lie.
Um...let's just say we've had a few Absol rampages. No big deal.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

After She leads Serenity to the table She begins to order"Uhm I would like to have.....hmm..What are you getting Nana I always order the wrong thing...well I guess It is all pancakes.."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

She sets them at the table, but doesn't hand out menus.
"Yep. We got LOTS of pancakes. We have pancakes in buttermilk, chocoalate, vanilla, orange, mint, cinnamin, banana, apple, peach, garlic, tomato, corn, bubble gum, cream, ice cream, cake, angel cake, wood, sweet pea, cookie dough, german chocalate, vintage, baby, bacon, beef, steak, t-bone steak, turkey, swiss cheese, cheddar, eggplant, chicken breast, fried chicken, and nacho flavored!"

"Did you"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

"Uhm...I guess I'll take the cookie dough flavor...Yeah baby flavor and garlic eeekkk...(laughs) who would eat Nana what flavor are you getting?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

OoC: I love running fake resturants.

"Why! It's quite the opposite! Garlic and Baby are our most popular flavors! You gotta help out those local cannibals!"
Nana slowly scoots her chair away from the waitress, simply saying "Buttermilk."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

Chris looks over the menu.

"Umm... I don't know what you mean by, "vintage" but.. I'll try one of those. Thanks."

Chris scoots close to Nana, and whispers, "Nana, I think this place isn't actually is friendly as it seems. What if the Black Men have a hold of this place?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

"Thank you kids! Your order should be ready in just a few minutes!"
She leaves the table.

"I have a very good idea that something is wrong with this place, but, it probably isn't the Black Men. They wouldn't have been this obvious. I would investegate, but we would lose pace by waiting for another night here. It would be smarter if we just left without a word."
She pauses while looking at the ground.
"But, if any danger comes, you need to get away and be safe. It's my job to protect you guys, and that will be done."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!


Lupus opened his eyes, he groaned as a sudden migrane hit him in the head...
"Hey, Mad Nana? Have you got a glass of water?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

"Ok, Nana. If you think so, I'll trust you."

Chris looked down at Sky, "It doesn't really seem like she likes me that much..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

"Who? Me? Or Sky?"
Nana looks confused.

"Yes, no problem."
She hands him a glass of water.
"We're losing time fast, but we need so much sleep. I'm not sure what to do."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

"Time to find, y'know, or time before my next transformation..."
Lupus gulped the water down, he was rather thirsty...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

"You aren't turning again tonight, are you? At this rate we will never find Kina. I wish we knew some background information on the Men in Black, maybe find a hint of where their HQ is"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

"Like what's been said, I transform on the days before the day of the full moon to sort off...Test if I can survive the actual transformation...I don't think we can find Kina and deal with my transformations at the same time..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

"Was the full moon last night, or is it tonight? And yeah, I agree, we can't move on until you finish with your transformations"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

"Okay then. That means that unfortunately, we will be the slow group. If only we could find a way to make you...nicer when you turn. Maybe even get you to help us."
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