Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

"Nana, do you think that... they're actually serving babies here? I can't bring myself to eat in a place like this... Maybe I should go check."

Chris makes a motion to get up.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

She immediately sets him down.
"I will go check it out. Both of you still have the chips in your ear. Do not take them out under ANY circumstances."
She sneaks into the kitchen.

After a few minutes, the Black Men walk up behind you, but appear to not be noticed by the other people in the resturant.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

Chris sits in the booth, bored.

"You know, for a pancake place, you'd suspect that our food would be served by now. I guess I should probably check on my egg."

Chris takes out the sling, and holds up the egg, "Hmm... it's lost a bit of luster. I'd better clean it."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

"...I got it! We could try and join up with another group, that way there'd be more people around to subdue my transformation..." Lupus brushed away his hair for a second...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

The Black Men grab Chris's shoulder and flip him around, causing the egg to land on the floor, but not crack.
"Se noda, aye?" The first man says to the other.
"Crauto, taka be no!"

Nana scans quietly through the kitchen, careful to not disturb the chef's. She looks the ground and see's a black feather.
That's strange...
Generally they don't leave feathers unless...
Oh no...
Unless they've already started to attack...

"Who would want to help us? No one knows about Kina. We aren't allowed to get the police involved!"

RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

Chris looked up at his captor in panic and shock. Chris's face turned slight crimson from gasping from the sudden short of breath he was feeling. He looked around him, and was puzzled as to why nobody surrounding the scene tried to intervene.

"Unless this is one all big illusion," Chris thought.

He was more puzzled as to the fact that he could not make out the strange dialect they were speaking. He couldn't quite place it, but he had little time to contemplate it.

He looked over at the one pokemon who was out of the Poke Ball, Sky. It was literally sitting, and staring.

"Sky! Do something!" Chris sputtered. Sky looked up in contempt.

Chris struggled to break free, and while struggling, he studied the Black Man's face.

OoC: I'm gonna try writing in more detail from now on. :)
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

"Maybe not the poice, but the other students and the other Nanas may want to help...", Lupus then thought of something else, "...I think we should tell the other Nana's about...Y'know..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

Roan was thinking of a solution. "What if we put you to sleep right after you turn? With hyponsis or something. Or we could cage you? I don't know." Roan scratced his head. His stomach growled.
"Do we have any food?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

That's a great idea, I'll try to do that to.

"Okay, I'll tell em' tomorrow, but really guys, I need sleep. Once we make it through tomorrow, we have to move quickly to make up for our time. We need to have the energy to do that." She moves silently and lays down on the floor.
In a way, me and Lupus are the same.
We both have our boiling points...
Mine might come soon.

Nana runs into the room to see Chris in fear, with Serenity following beside him.
They made themselves invisible to everyone else!

She runs toward them, gaining acceleration, and slams right into the illusionary figure, making it reveal itself to her.
"Chris! Serenity! RUN!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

"Heh, yeah, I think we all need sleep. I'll wake you guys up when it's almost time for my transformation, tonight is going to be worse...", Lupus shuffled into his bed and closed his eyes, feeding his desire to sleep...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

Chris flinches as Nana tackles the Black Man above him. He jerked upwards, and yelled, "Go, Bella!"

He threw the pokeball up in the air, and out came Bella. "Bella! Use Razor Leaf!!"

Bella twisted her head, and out came 10 sharp leaves, almost like ninja stars, that are headed straight at the Black Men.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

Roan felt his heart drop.
Worse?! Last time he destroyed an entire building! I'm surprised no Jennys have stepped in yet
Roan went to his bed and got under the covers. If there was going to be a worse transformation tonight he would need to be rested up.
"At least I'm getting some excitement" He said under his breath, and then he fell asleep.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

Serenity was still in shock after what just happened..."Nana!!" She looked as Nana was wrestling the black men.She couldnt take her eyes off of them Chris had sent out Bella but she was to scared to do anything...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

"Stop!" She blocks Bella with her body, taking the blow.
"Oof!" She says as the pokemon slams against her stomach.
"Please, let me handle this. I have lost to many lives to these freaks, there is no need for you to lose yours!"

"Better get up..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

Roan stirs in his sleep when he heard Mad Nana's voice, and then sits up, with terrible bed head. He rubbed his eyes.
"What time is it? Is it time for the transformation?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

"I'm not sure, but I think it's morning..."
She rolls over to see Lupus still sleeping.
He seems so...innocent...

"Let's not wake him up. He needs his rest."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

Lupus slowly opened his eyes, "Morning...Are you guys alright? Did I...The Absol...Come close to you two during the night?", he was hoping that the Absol avoided going to the area where his friends are...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

"Ask the black eye you gave me. It's okay, I've had worse. Let's just...get REALLY prepared fortonight though, okay?"
She sits up and starts heading downstairs to get breakfast.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

"He turned last night?" Roan was confused. "I didn't even notice... Not that I'm complaining"
He followed Nana down to breakfast.
"So Nana, what is the plan? Are we going to travel through the Viridian forest and head to Pewter City, or cut through to Vermillion? I say we go to Vermillion. I doubt the Men in Black would be stationed in Pewter City"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~SIGN UPS ARE REOPENED! PM ME!

In Angry Nana's mind, something goes snap!
She has been holding in her anger for so long, that she can't even contain any longer. She throws her plate to the ground, causing it to crash.
She storms off outside.
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