Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

"And something not to obvious, I know what you mean..."
Lupus pondered, he couldn't think of anything without putting Toby in danger...
"...I think we should flat out tell Toby the truth, that way he wouldn't be off guard in the worst case scenario I attack him..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Serenity looked at Nana...

"Yeah it is hard..all I want to do is find her, but I know it's gonna take some time. The thing is that I know she is alive....So im gonna train untill I'm the best Ice type Pokemon user out there..then...I'm gonna get her back...when we find them."

She continued to walk untill they came along a path...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Everybody gets hit by the Bubbles, but they don't do very much damage when spread out. Beck did manage to hit Dodou straight on, knocking Dodou down, and weaking him.
Faulkner: "Wha...? Whatever! Hoothoot! Wing Attack!"
Hoothoot races towards Beck.

"That might just work..."
She thought through her plan for a few moments, then turned to Lupus.
"Toby would think that we're crazy at first, but then when he see's you tonight, he will believe us, causing an element of trust! Lupus, your a genius!"
Angry Nana does something that Angry Nanas almost never do.

She hugs Lupus.

"Um, are you sure we want to get to trailed away from the gym? I want to stick close so-"
Nana voice stops, and when Serenity turns to see why, she see's that Nana is...gone.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Beck is hurt by the Wing Attack, and is on the verge of fainting. He strangely gets a bandage on his forehead.

Chris tries to think of something, when he tried something.

"Beck? Can you use Withdraw?" asked Chris. Beck retreated into its shell. Its defense had increased.

Chris realized that now that he was in a shell, his precision would increase as he was stationary.

"Beck! Use Bubble!" Beck launched out a Bubbles that head straight for Doduo.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

As Doduo struggles to get up after his first hit, he gets smashed Bubble. Doduo faints.
Faulkner: "What is up with this?!" He sighs and slaps his forehead "Come on out, Pidgey!"
Pidgey comes out, ready to battle.
Sneasel wakes up.

OoC: For those of you who saw the anime series can now have a little bit of inside security...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

"Jeez, about time...OK! Sneasel, hit that Pidgey with an ice punch, fast and hard!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

"Nana...Nana...were are you..This isn't funny.."
She walks back to were Nana was standing then she looks through the edge of the woods...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Lupus blushed, he stood there shocked...
"Umm...We should probably get back inside..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

"Well I think I got my daily dose of awkward" Roan said to Toby, who hadn't said a word since Nana and Lupus left.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Pidgey never gets a chance to see the pain coming, and is hit by the punch. But, it can take more than one hit, and quickly gets back up from the ground.
"Pidgey! Use Wing Attack on the weak Squirtle!"
Pidgey races towards Beck.
"Hoothoot! Use Hypnosis on Sneasel!"
Hypnosis begins...
OoC: If you post in the next 5 minutes, then you can avoid the attacks, Boddy and ToF

No sound can be heard from the bushes. It appears that Nana is gone. Suddenly, Serenity hears a brush of wind and turns to see her worst nightmare, a Black Man.

Angry Nana quickly walks back inside and walks to Toby.
"We need to tell you something important."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Serenity falls backwards in fright....


Serenity get back up...

"Are you the ones who took grandma!!!??"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Beck falls backwards, and faints. He returns Beck, and takes out his last Pokemon.

"Well, this is it. Go! Bella!!" Chris tosses out his Poke Ball, and out comes his friendly Chikorita.

"Use Razor Leaf on the Hoothoot!!" Bella shoots the Razor leaves quickly and swiftly at the Doduo.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Lupus walked in besides Mad Nana, his hands in his pockets.
He looked and Roan and mouthed to him, We're going to tell him...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

OoC: You might want to PM Toby, Aggs He hasn't replied in a while

IC: Roan nodded at Lupus. He sucked at reading lips, but he put 2 and 2 together and figured it out. He awaited Nana's revelation.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Well, Serenity, your going to find out, aren't you?
You wake up in a cage. Beside you, in a different cage, is Nana, looking at you solemly.

"I'm sorry..." She whispers.

OoC: Dah-duh-DAH!

Also, Boddy, Dodou fainted. Please change your victim.

And yes, I will PM him, ST and Kaiser.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Serenity looks at Nana...

"Nana what are we gonna do..we wouldn't suppose to let this's all my fault I'm the one who wanted to go outside..we woulda stood a better chance with the gym leader with us..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

They are recording everything we say, so please try and make it sound as if we don't know where the others are.
"Serenity, I saw the boys run as they heard our screams, so I'm sure they are somewhere safe in the region now. It wasn't your fault. We can get out of here."
Really? I would love to see you try!
You turn to see a man in a white coat, he turns and smiles.
"We're going to run some tests, is that okay with you two ladies?" Before Nana could respond, he says "I thought so!" He whispers to a woman beside him, then walks out.
"Prepare the maze!" The woman announces.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!


Serenity looks at Nana...

RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

"Don't worry, it's for me, not for you. They are only keeping you here so that you won't tell anyone."
They open Nana's cage and bring her to out of the room.
Don't worry Serenity, you won't miss out...
A TV shows a survellence camera showing the maze from above. It shows Nana with a band around her ankle.
Nana starts to run through the maze.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

"Were not animals!!..Come on can do this.."

Serenity looks around the cage trying to look for a way out with out being so obvious about it...
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