Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

OOC: Its the other way around Boddy.

Serenity runs down the Hallway hoping Chris was at her heels..

"Here it is..."

She kicks the door open to find Nana on a table..

RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Chris quickly tosses out Bella and Beck, and shouts, "Use Bubble and Razor Leaf to incapacitate them!"

The two Pokemon shoot attacks at the Black Men, and Boddy runs to the table.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Nana quickly removes the spell and knocks out the doctors.
"Hey guys! Looks like you brought me company!"
She laughs and jumps off the table.
"What was that booming noise?"

Smart Nana collaspes after her third Ice Spell, unfortunately, the only thing that was protecting her from the Black Men was killing her; literally.
"If only fate would allow me to live longer..."
She looks at the Black Men as they creep closer.

"Smart Nana's in trouble."
Nana runs down the hallway, not waiting for Serenity nor Chris. Part of herself was about to die, and she was the only one planning on stopping it.
She enters the rooms and commands Pidgeot to keep trying to push them away. She sends out Togetic.
"Blow them away, then fly us out of here!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Roan realized that Nana couldn't do this alone. She was exausted and Lupus was showing no signs of letting up. But his cubone couldn't help, it still didn'y have a bone, and his shellder was no match for Lupus at full power. He ran to Nana.
"Nana, we need to get out of here! We can't hold him off any longer!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

This was it. Nana couldn't handle this any more. After all, she was Angry Nana. She turned to Roan with a fierce look on her face.
"I can handle this forever!"
She runs towards the Absol, in pure rage, and jumps on top of the animal.

OoC: To answer your question, yes. She has gone completely obliterately insane.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Serentiy Runs to were The Nanas were fighting off the Black Men....

"Come on Nana and other Nana you got this..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Pidgeot swoops up Chris and Serenity and flys them out of the tunnel, followed by Nana carrying Smart Nana on Togekiss. Nana returns Smart Nana to her original body, causing Smart Nana to dissapear.
"I'm sorry, but you need to rest..."
She looks solemly at Zeke, Chris, and Serenity.
"...We..." she pauses, no knowing how to say this.
"I have to go back."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

"You mean back to Stewart Hall?"
Serenity looked at Nana knowing that if she had to rest that it would be a good idea to go back.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

"WHY!!!! No it's to dangerouse I can't let you...."

Serenity tries to rack her brain for a reason why Nana would want to go back in there...then it hit her....

RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Chris sighs, "Of course, that must have been where Kina was. Nana. This is our only chance. But, I'm worried that it won't be enough with all of us. We need the others. Lupus, Roan, and the rest of them. Is there any way you can get a hold of Angry Nana?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

"I can use the Location spell, but that means I lose some energy."
Yah, I should probably use it.

"They are in Violet City, or near it, at least. Let's go back to get them, then come back. Togekiss, Pidgeot, please head for Violet City!"
A few flying moments later~
She sees below that Angry Nana has tackled a furious Absol, and Roan and another kid is yelling at her.

She heard a yell and looked up.

Nana jumped of Togekiss, and landed on the ground.
"Togekiss, use Whirlwind please. On the Absol. Don't worry about the girl on top."
The Absol and Nana are seperated.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

The Absol looked up at the new arrivals and roared...
It sent a Shadow Ball flying towards them, the attack crackled with energy...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

OoC: Lol "I can handle this forever" xD

Roan just stood there as she launched her self onto the absol.
"Nana, are you insane?! You aren't a pokemon! You could die!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!


Serenity fell as the Shadow ball passed by her head...The force was powerfull

"Whaaa...Nana...d-do somthing.Wait...wheres Lupus?!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

The Absol seemed to answer Serenity's question by unleashing a mighty roar...
It then proceeded to send a Night Slash straight at the Nanas...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

Come to me...

A shield appears before Nana. To regain strangth, she returns Angry Nana to her body.
"Sorry, but I need the energy."
She turns to the Absol.
"So, Lupus? Apparently so, well, looks like we have to tire you out of this..."

2:00AM right now Game Time.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

OoC: Oh I missed that the other group joined up with us

IC: Roan ran over to Serenity.
"We should probably get out of here! I think that the Nana's can handle this together, and we will probably just get in the way!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

"Are you sure...she mgiht need our help though..."

Serenity looks at Nana waiting for a responce telling them they could leave.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy~Congrats to the 2 who made it!

"Well she kept yelling at me to move it, and now that there are two Nana's they should be fine."
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