Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Wes spoke up first. "I'll play D."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

*wonders what the guys have to do in pokemon cordinating* "Why would they want to take that class?" *laughs*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

batpee1 said:
"ms.dawn im hoping i would never have to wear a pink princess dress on national T.V. but i have gut's" Mack is blushing at the awkwardness of his comment.

OOC: That just got you on my friend list. LOL!

IC:*Laughs out loud at Joey's comment*

"No, but at some contests you have to wear some bizzare stuff. I want you guys to dance and sing outloud the song you are dancing while you are doing it. Everybody will have thier turns. How about you, Clarissa?"
*Points to a cute girl with blue hair andd big blue eyes*

*barely whispers*
"I don't know if I can..."

"Okay, then were all set! Lets lay SOCCER!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"if she needs assistances i won't force my self but i think i could help her" Mack winks at the bluey (if there blonde there blondey's if there blue's are they bluey's?)

ooc: lol thanks it took me a few minutes to think it up.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Wes plays soccer blahblahblahetcetc *skips to the end of game*
Wes looked at the chalkboard that had the score on it. His team had won, 4-2.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"No Mack. I think you save that for the dance coming this Saturday. It's okay Clarissa, you can go later. How about you. Mack?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

mack does a weird dance flying around the room next the windows and walls (i hope were indors XD) singing
"from the windooooooowwwww, to the wall, there's sweat drops down my..." Mack looks awkwardly at Dawn and stops.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"Ow....Yes Master..."Drake focuses on the Eagle Pose and the Karate Teachers' movements."
"Should've signed up for Pokemon coordinating..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"i don't care if i have to cause i have no self value in my self"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

batui4 said:
"i don't care if i have to cause i have no self value in my self"

ooc: lol so true
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

OOC: irl i do have self value even through i spend it playing jd and wow
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"Okay, now throw a punch at me."
"Oookay. I think your covered. How about you, Kina?"
*Starts to slowly do some ballet*
"2am and she calls me cause I'm still awake.
Can you help me unravel my latest mis-"

"Good! Now, who should I pick next?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"wait so i'm covered i don't have to do it sweet"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Mack slaps spirit in the back of the head "she was talking bout me being ok mate...sooooooooo your turn."

ooc i know wow (played it a little) but whats Jd?
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Drake throws a quick jab at the Karate Teacher.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

*dances around the room there happy*""

OOC: i think i may go play some jd now cya
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

*grabs his hand, flips him over, and catches him and sets him right up before he falls to the ground again*
"Try again."

"Good enough, but you have no spirit. Oddly enough, due to your name."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Mack laughs at ms.dawns comment

ooc: i love how you keep finding ways to make fun of his name and the word XD
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