Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

OoC: I'll just asume Ash said a guy version.

IC: Troy tries to find smart Nana in the cafateria "Hey, Nana," says Troy.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Wes smiled at ash's words (assuming he said something similar).
Oh yeah, time to battle someone.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Computerhero said:
OoC: I'll just asume Ash said a guy version.

Yep, he did.

IC:"Hello Troy! I'm going to get some eggs, you want some?"
"Hey Kina, do you think that Wes is a good dancer?"
"I doubt it. He's so serious all the time. He probably doesn;t do anything fun like dancing."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

IC: "Ya, sure I am also getting biscuts and bacon to make bacon wrapped biscuits. Bacon wraped biscuits are good." Troy says to Nana.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

OCC: I always make serious characters. I was trying not to make Wes one. :(

IC: Wes looked around for someone to battle. He saw normal Nina sitting beside Kina. He walked over.
"Hey girls! Do either of you want to battle?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

nabby101 said:
OCC: I always make serious characters. I was trying not to make Wes one. :(

OOC: Just make the jokes you do in real life, Little Canadian Boy!

IC: "Sure, right after breakfast, alright?"
"If you need a battle after her, I could go!"
"Yes. I will go get the eggs Mr. Bacon Lover..."
"Okay! After breakfast we will be having a Pokemon Battling Tournament! Those of you who wish to participate please be present at the Battling Stadium after Breakfast!"

"I guess we can battle there instead!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

IC:" Ok, Nana and can you not wait for the battling?" Troy says to smart Nana.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"I think I might go if all of my sisters do. Although, I might have to work on some studying though..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"Ok, but I will be in the stadium battling with Sparky." Troy says to Nana.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Wes nodded and then heard Ash's announcement. "That'll work. See you in a bit!"
Wes jogged over to the arena.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"Oh. That's good...okay."
Darn't! He didn't get the hint!

Ooh...Smart Nana wanted some alone "studying time" with Troy!
Shut up! Like as if you wouldn't do the same with Wes!
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Lupus walked through the corridors, he heard the announcement and decided to go to the arena to try out his Absol...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"Why is there something else you wanted to do?" asks Troy in reply to a slightly wierd tone.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

OOC: I was wondering how long it would take you to mess up the colours.

IC: Wes ran into Lupus on his way to the stadium.
"Wow! Sorry bout that Lupus."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Lupus glared at Wes before calmly saying, "You. Me. Battle. Now."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

nabby101 said:
OOC: I was wondering how long it would take you to mess up the colours.
T_T thanks for your extremely helpful support for the GM that has to control *counts fingers* 21 characters in all!

*blushes very badly*
"Nope! Just gotta get crackin' on that thing that the teaher talked about in the class you know?!"

"Well, I guess it's time for me and you to head to the arena Kina."
"Alright, are any of your sisters coming?"
"I think Sleepy Nana is going back to bed, Angry Nana is coming, Smart Nana is *giggles* studying, Hyper Nana is coming, Sad Nana is going back to the dorm, and Flirtatious Nana is probably going to check out some of the older students at the school swimming pool."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

IC: Troy goes to the stadium wondering why Nana just left like that quicklly and unexpected. "I'll chck on her after the battles." says Troy under his breath.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Wes looked at Lupus.
"Good luck."
He tossed his pokeballs out and Murkrow came out.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Lupus tossed out his pokeball and an Absol emerged, his peircing red eyes glaring at the Murkrow...
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