Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Computerhero said:
IC: Troy goes to the stadium wondering why Nana just left like that quicklly and unexpected. "I'll chck on her after the battles." says Troy under his breath.

OOC: She didn't leave. She is still sitting beside you at the table
"Hehe...heh. Thats was embarassing. I'm sorry Troy."
Ooh, apology kiss?!

RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Wes looked at the Absol.
"Cool. Let's start with Aerial Ace."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

OoC: Didn't relize that.

IC:"Let's leave. These guys are stupid." says Troy to Nana.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

The Absol was hit by the attack, it got up and smiled...
"Payback! Now!" Lupus commanded...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Murkrow dodged, but not fast enough, he was clipped by the attack.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

*clams down*
"Yes. Let's go to the Library."

"I guess you two are going to be late for the tournament!"
"See yah!"
*looks at Lupis*

RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Lupus looked back to see Angry Nana, he immediatley returned to the battle at hand, "Leer on the Murkrow!"
Absol shot a leer at the Murkrow...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Murkrow cowered back a bit, hit by the Leer.
"Now, dark pulse!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

*starts heading for the Library*
*Normal Nana, Hyper Nana, Angry Nana, arrive the stadium*
"Hi Clarissa!"
"Hi guys..."
"Five minuted till the Battle Tournament contestants are entered! FIVE MINTUTES!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Nana and Troy get to the library. "Now want are we going to do?" Troy asks Nana.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"Well, I was going to study dances. You see, me and my sisters were...homechooled and so, we have never been to a dance, or really ever danced at all, well except maybe Flirtatious Nana, but no one ever knows what she is going to do..."
*starts looking in the D's*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Lupus called back his Absol, "We'll settle this in the tournament..." Turning around, Lupus walked up to the Angry Nana (Who was angry :D)
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

IC: "Ya, well my parents work at Sliph Co. in Kanto so the tough they could teach me better than the local school," says Troy in reply.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

T_T' Kaiserchu, no. Just no.

IC:"What do you want now?!"
"What do you mean they taught you better than local school. What did they teach you?"
"Two more minutes!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

IC:"Basically every single basic subject that we have here," Troy says, "Did you find a book yet?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Wes nodded, and then called back Murkrow and sprinted to the stadium.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"Tonight right? Thats when the dance thing is?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"Okay! It's time for the Tournament to start! Make a line and put your name into the computer please!"
*Reveals a computer out of the wall of the stadium*

"No...most people don't have to read to figure out how to dance..."
*continues looking*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Lupus asks Angry Nana again, "Is tonight the dance thing?"
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