Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"So you don't care about emotions, so why did you ask me to the dance?" asks Troy.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"Well, I guess I do have other emotions... I am confused. Lets just watch the tournament, okay?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"I am getting confused too. I am jusst going to go to my room and tell me when you get your emotions straight," says Troy. Troy walks away.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

"Oh. Okay."
*continues heading for the stadium*
How can I have a boyfriend when I am only a 1/6th of a whole?!

Okay guys. Tomorrow, my dad is going to pick me up, and I don't know how long I will stay at his house, but he does not have internet.
So, I will try to play tomorrow, but if not then for now, I am putting this on a puase for more players to join.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Wait until Next Quarter to Join!

Troy is in his room and wonders 'What is up with Nana. She was really cool then she just wierded out. Maybe that's just how relationships works.'
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Want to Play? PM me your form!

"Woo! The Stadium!" Drake puts his name on the list.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Want to Play? PM me your form!

OoC:Woah I missed alot! I must have missed this, but who is Clarissa? And I won't be able to play tomorrow until the afternoon, like today. I've been busy working.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Want to Play? PM me your form!

OOC to all this :p

nabby101 said:
OOC: I was wondering how long it would take you to mess up the colours.

lol me to

shampoo-thief said:
OoC:Woah I missed alot! I must have missed this, but who is Clarissa? And I won't be able to play tomorrow until the afternoon, like today. I've been busy working.

clarissa is the blonde.

also aggiegwyn i think we all know flirtatius nina's job *wink*

ic: Mack appears at the turneey and put's his name in then sits next to kina.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Want to Play? PM me your form!

*Roan runs in too and registers, then goes over to Mack and Kina*
"Do you two mind if I sit and watch with you?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Want to Play? PM me your form!

"not at all mate."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Want to Play? PM me your form!

Ice_Master & charidude= You may enter as guests to see the tournament. Somehow, our chracters will meet you and on the RPG monday, you will move in and join the classes. ^_^

Clarissa is another character I made up, since you guys all have guy characters and Shoyru hasn't bothered to play. She is a shy blue-haired girl.

Thankfully(sarcasm, because my dad basically ditched me), my dad got another job to do and is now somewhere in Nebraska. Let's play so that I don't get PO'ed at him and start breaking my brother's bones.

IC:"Yah, of course you can sit here!"
Normal Nana?
Can I get some advice?
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Want to Play? PM me your form!

Lupus shouts, "Dark Pulse! Absol!"
Absol fired a dark wave at the Chikorita...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Want to Play? PM me your form!

*The Chikorita is hit, and trembles as it stands*
"I'm sorry Chika! Use Tackle!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Want to Play? PM me your form!

Absol grunts as the Chikorita tackles him...
"Darn! Absol use Leer! Then Dark Pulse again!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Want to Play? PM me your form!

"Chika! I need you to try to dodge! And please wrap the Absol in vines!"
*gets ready to dodge the Dark Pulse*

"I hope Clarissa'a Chika will be okay..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Want to Play? PM me your form!

Absol uses Leer and stares into the Chikorita's eyes...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Want to Play? PM me your form!

"Okay...get r-ready...."
*ready to dodge*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Want to Play? PM me your form!

Absol suddenly breaks the stare and unleashes the Dark Pulse...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Want to Play? PM me your form!

*dodges and wraps him around in vines*
Do you think that I have only one personality, since I am only 1/6 of a person anyway?
Of course not! You have a bunch of personalities! You tease us all the time for being such idiots!
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