Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"Fine Freakshow! But how will you take our Quick Attack?!"
"Of course you can, that can help us with tranportation when we get there! Those two people were Roan and Clarissa, you will get to know them better in class. Um, I need to go to my room, I have a big assignment from Science, you guys have fun."
*starts walking to her rooom*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

^^Ninja'd I was already with you guys!
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

*Roan and Clarissa finish lunch, and join Kina and Serenity*

edit: But Kina left, so they join Serenity and Chris
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

OoC: Sorry for inactvity preping for league and will proba;;y not post til after league is over.

IC: "Ok" says Troy to smart Nana.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"Serenity? Are you.. mad at me?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

*in her room*
What's this note all about?
*reads it and gets a deep blush across her face*
Wow...he must really like me...
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

Serenity looks at Chris...Then starts to walk out of the lunch room. "Im Kina with her project..." Serenity wasnt realy gonna help her with her project or go to the room with her for that matter. She was just gonna go outside and just relax in nature( somthing she couldnt do often due to the weather in Snowpoint City.

OOc: I actually have to go for right now too lol. See you guys later lol Dont have too much fun
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

Chris looks on as Serenity leaves.

"Smooth, Chris. Smooth."

Chris realizes there's noone else near him he knows, so he goes out to explore the library.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"Huh, well I guess its just you and me, Clarissa. Want to go watch some battles at the stadium or something?" *Holds out his hand*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

*While walking rather slowly, Roan tries to strike a conversation*
"So where are you from?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"Oh, I'm from Twin Leaf, how about you?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"Twin Leaf? Isn't that that small town in Sinnoh? I am from Olivine City in Johto. I love it there, right by the ocean"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

Chris checks out a lot of books, and realizes he forgot to ask Kina about the school and the Dean.

He goes to find her room, and he knocks.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

*Folds the note quickly and stuffs it in her bag*
"Come on in!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

Chris opens the door, and comes in.

"Hey, Kina. I just wanted to ask you something. You are the granddaughter of the Dean here, right?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"Well, for starters, why are you here? This school seems so lush and vast, your grandfather must be rich. The granddaughter of a rich man shouldn't be working, would they?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"My family must be rich, but we are rich because we are hardworking, we don't become rich because of inheritence."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"Well, I guess that's true. But... Kina. Do you enjoy reading?"
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