Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"I'll help you."
*starts picking up his books*
"Do you like Serenity?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

Chris fumbles on the books he had just picked up.

"Why-why-why would you, umm.. say that?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"Oh, don't worry. I won't tell. But I have a feeling she likes you too."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

Chris started to get excited, and a smile started to form on his face.

"Kina? Let's say, I did like Serenity. What is she like?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"Well, she sure enjoys not facing the cold of Snowpoint, and she doesn't have much experience making friends, and she really wants to make new friends."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"That's all you know? Really? It seems to me like she was only with you the entire day today."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

*Roan says bye to Clarissa and goes back to his room to get ready*
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"Well, also, I don't think her parents are home much. She always talks as if it's only her grandma home. I think she is a fan of water pokemon, too."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"Water pokemon? Me too! Well, I like Water and Electric ones. Kina? I have to ask you something personally. Why do you resent Shane so much? As mixed up as he may be.. he's not that that bad."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

" about you read this?"
*hands him a note*
"He makes me feel...uncomfortable..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"Tell me when I see your bad side??? Wow. Well.. you do whatever it is you do. But honestly, he may be right."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"What?! I don't want to be...bad. I want to be nice and help everyone out you know? I don't want to be what he wants me to be!"
"45 minutes to the dance!"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"No. Hold on. I mean, that you should take risks. Do things that strike your fancy. Like, I don't know, do things that you never see yourself doing. Living in the moment. Do you see what I mean?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"Kind...of. I don't know what I would do though..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"Well... most people in the books I read have like... affairs. But, we are in school... so I don't know what that would be called."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

ooc lol sorry i couldn't get on for some reason on any computor can you tell me what i missed?
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

"i hope this dance will be over quick when it happenes
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

OoC: 3 new ppl, one is hitting on your GF (and mine), dance is in 45 minutes
RE: Stewart Hall Academy: Continuation of the Pokemon Battling Tournament!

You have been missing a tournament, and the dance is going to start soon, and we have 3 new students, Serenity, Shane, and Chris.
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