Stop 'n' Shop:The new sprite:naruto pokes!

RE: Stop 'n' Shop

Jason Rules said:
h.d.v.b said:
I don't mean to rush you,but I need those trophies.:)
Okay I got the Pikachu done,I'll do the pichu next.

RE: Stop 'n' Shop

Can i have a leafeon banner,avatar,egg,flag and first place trophy?? can you do them between now and sunday because i am going on vacation to capecod on sunday and i don't know when i will be back.
RE: Stop 'n' Shop

Okay,So I know I promised to not shop here for like,7 months,but this is an emergency,can I have a banner that Has The Main Male character of Diamond and Pearl in the front with A Sceptile behind him,Paul (from the D/P Anime series) in the left hand corner with a Registeel behind him,and the Rival Character for Diamond and Pearl in the right hand corner with a Flygon behind him,And in Red and Green letters can the title say:The Jewel Water,And In the background can you put a bunch of normal Pokemon,and a bunch of team Aqua and Magma Grunts with the Leaders (Maxie and Archie) Oh,yeah,and If possible can you make a link to the Topic (The Jewel Water) You don't HAVE to do that part,but it would be nice if you did.

No Pressure or anything though,I can wait.
RE: Stop 'n' Shop

I changed the backround to
match the title,so here.
I did the link just click on the banner and you got it.
RE: Stop 'n' Shop

I can do the trophy. Leafeon has a black spot between it's ears and the banner should have some words.
RE: Stop 'n' Shop

well here is the fixed banner

RE: Stop 'n' Shop

Just one suggestion KeyBlade: If it's something like that, make the banner smaller so it doesn't look as blank. What's the point of flags?